[@DriveEMOut][@Dark Light][@mattmanganon][@olcharlieboi][@caliban22][@RumikoOhara][@Weird Tales][@Simple Unicycle][@Spinosaurus] As the introductions came to a close, a female voice announced, “Recognized: Nightwing.” The teleporter glowed and in an instant, Nightwing appeared in front of the new members of the young justice program. “How are things going Barry?” Nighting asked “Good, we just got done with the introductions,” Flash said. “Good, because they’re being deployed to London,” Nightwing before a video feed appeared behind Nightwing as he began to explain, “We’ve gotten word that some of the Order of Chaos members have been sighted in London. Not surprising that after the sighting. Things became chaotic there.” In the video Nightwing showed them. People were floating in the air trying to reach the ground only for them to float even higher. In another video, a man was being chased by three metal chairs that seemed to come alive. In yet another video, big ben’s clock hands spun counter clockwise at a rapid pace. “Superman and Green Arrow are on their way, but we’re to head there immediately and help the citizens while they’re in route. We’re unsure what type of powers these members possess, so we’ll split into two teams. Robin, Travis, Drake, Barry, Talos, and Charles will assist those being chased by inanimate objects that have come to life. While Arden, Van, Michael, Jacob, Wulf, and I will deal with the people floating into the air. Superman and Green Arrow should arrive by then,” Nightwing stated before he added, “If you encounter any members of the Order. You are not to engage. You all might have gotten this far, but you are not ready to face this evil.” “Wait, how do you know all our names,” Drake asked. “I was one of the ten members of the league who went through each of your files and chose you to rise up to the Young Justice Program,” Nightwing said before he added, “when you all entered mount justice through the teleporter. Nanobots were injected into your body. Use them to communicate to one another.” With that he walked over to the teleporter as it glowed and Nightwing dissevered. “Well you heard him, looks like you’ll get your feel wet sooner then you thought,” Barry joked before he joshed over to the teleporter and waited for the rest of the team.