Three quick notes for everyone, then some character specific things 1) Good job with the characters! I like them all. 2) Thinking about getting started on Friday. Would anyone want to see it a day earlier/ later? 3) I'm going to make a character that I control [@xChrome] I'm okay with the insect summoning at first, as long as it gets harder for him to control them the more he summons them. [@DriveEMOut] Just going to ask, is your character aware of magic's existence? I know I didn't say anything at first, but now I realize that this might actually be important... (realizations like this may be frequent over the course of the next few days. I'll add something about this to the 1st post.) [@AdobeFlash] Similarly, is your character aware of magic other than dark magic existing? (Trying to differentiate between a goth looking up some cool party tricks on the Internet and a legitimate magician.)