First, I need more plots since I currently have *checks list* exactly zero plots right now. So I need more 1x1 plots. So I need more plots, badly. I am going to be updating this tomorrow when I am more awake. Second, my rules. There are not a lot of them. Rules I love Yoai based plots. They are just easier for me. Though platonic stuff is fine. ~I like mature people. So please be mature. ~Nothing to nasty. I have limits. They include but are not limited to incest,rape (for the sake of it), child abuse. ~ Please be over 18. I am 22. ~I cannot play female characters because I am terrible at it. ~ I am not a grammar nazi. So don't be afraid. I prefer low to high casual. ~ I do not have a sample and do not require one of you. ~I write anywhere between 7-9 paragraphs. I am High Casual to Low Advanced type of writer. Some plot ideas. I usually just give a few sentences and then make the rest with my partner. [hider=Fighting in the future (I have a few possible plots)] I had an idea for a Street Fighter type plot. I had an idea for a Sci-Fi based Street Fighter plot. My idea was that we could have a few fighters traveling around the galaxy fighting different crazy fighters. They could be aliens or not. I had an idea for them fighting in zero G or on some sort of deserted planet. It could be some sort of tournament to determine the best fighter in the universe. We could have as many characters as we want to have. I'll probably make a few side baddies just there for a beating. [/hider] [hider=Fantasy Based Wrestling Plot] I love the idea of a completely insane wrestling plot. One time I did this plot, I had a normal guy wrestling a human alligator hybrid in the middle of a swamp. So there is no limits for this one. I once saw this plot with some guy wrestling the Devil on the Sun. I was thinking that basing some wrestling plot in a fantasy setting would be interesting. Dragon versus Dwarf sounds like fun. Again we could have as many characters as we want. [/hider] Now onto some basic ideas. These could eventually have a plot of their own. Wild West Spy x Spy Superheroes Harem based (It can be anything.) Street fighter x Street fighter Superhero's Child x Villain's Child Hero x villain Rock band Knight x thief Thief x thief. (Modern or fantasy) Amnesiac x spouse. (Slice of life mostly. ) Modern Magic users (think Constantine) Characters in need of a plot: [hider=Lee (Best for a martial Art themed rp. I have a semi plot for this one] [img][/img] Name: Lee Mitas Age: 21 Sexuality: Bisexual Race: Human School: The Smiling Fist Fighting Style: It is called Strong Monkey style. His style is mainly offensive since it focuses on strong and quick strikes and grabs. He focuses on striking his opponent in anyway he can or throwing them off balance. It does not really have any use for weapons but he does use his Chi to make his punches stronger. He has to meditate to really get as much strength as he can. Weaknesses: His style is very close combat. He has to be in close to do the most damage. Weapons: His main weapon is his gloves. They keep his hands safe and add a bit more damage to his strikes. He does not have any other weapons. He does keep a few brews in his pack to try and help his powers and his chi. Best for a martial arts or ninja themed rp. [/hider] Message me here or elsewhere. [b]More to come later.[/b]