Bread was quite a new food to Mizuko. However, it hadn't taken long to obtain some and she was quick to sell it off, so when the man took it and gave some to the kitsune she was pleased. Two copper wasn't much, but it was still monetary gain! And then... then there was some very confusing business about a ring, which turned out to be fake. Mizuko frowned deeply, inclining her head to the side. "Don't go trying to sell fake rings ~[i]degeso[/i]," she said, disapprovingly with her arms folded as she continued to prepare the shrimp-fried rice with her tentacles. There was only one drawback to preparing the dish, and that was that... the scent of cooking shrimp was so very tempting...! But... no, she couldn't let that distract her. The meal was almost complete, as well. She smiled at the woman as she clearly enjoyed her meal, and gave her payment, before... very quickly leaving. "Ah... goodbye, valued customer ~[i]degeso[/i]! And... [i]eto[/i]... I'll.. have more shrimp-fried rice ready ~[i]degeso[/i]!" More food orders was good, it meant she got more money, but... waaah this was so much! She was finally plating the first batch and she still needed to make more! And... the kitsune, she was hungry too... the stone man had ordered food for her as well... "You'll... you'll have plenty of shrimp-fried rice too ~[i]degeso[/i]!"