[hr] [b]Name:[/b] William [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Character's Favorite Color:[/b] Grey [b]Bio:[/b] William is or rather was a summoner. He was able to summon spectral creatures for entertainment, labour, and sometimes even combat. However he could only perform those feats if he has his summoning spellbook, and ever since he lost it in a break-in, he could only summon mere bugs. Now he works as a pet shop owner, unable to distance himself away from animals. Everyday he dreams of summoning animals again, perhaps this adventure would make it a reality. [b]Skills:[/b] [list]Summoning - William is able to summon and control spectral creatures without any problem, assuming he has the spell or ritual on hand, otherwise he can only summon a dozen or so bugs. Boxer - Sometimes when his opponent decides to go for him directly, William is able to throw a mean punch with his rather large fists. Although he's not quite nimble and good at dodging, he's able to take a few hits undazed. [/list] [b]Physical Description:[/b] A man of average height and build, quite bearded and more towards the plump side due to his creatures doing most of the work. Some would call him a giant dwarf. [b]Personality:[/b] William is hardly a person who keeps his thoughts to himself, whenever the opportunity arises, whether it be appropriate or not, he'll be sure to jest and joke. He likes animals a lot and is quite friendly to most of them which is to be expected. As for humans, nothing pisses him off more than those who harm animals, otherwise he's open to most people.