And with that post-morning madness concluded, the day slowly comes to a sleepy conclusion. [hr][center][h1]Monday, April 5, 2038[/h1][/center] [hr] [h2]ENMA University Student News[/h2] [quote=Shinobu Ototsuki, April 4, 2038][center][h3]ENMA University Compromised? The Hand of God’s Stunning Debut![/h3][/center] It is, amazingly, that time of the year again folks. ENMA University has just begun its 2038 Spring Term, kicked off by yesterday’s opening ceremony featuring a speech by our university’s local Level 10, Kotori Namashiya, and the dramatic reveal of this year’s entrance exam schedule, which were both met with [i]thunderous[/i] applause. But while yesterday’s atmosphere was as [i]electric[/i] as always, the welcome our old students and fresh-faced prospects had received was unlike any in ENMA history. As many of you are likely aware, yesterday’s post-ceremony refreshments came with an unexpected, astounding and downright [i]shocking[/i] display from the individual naming themselves “The Hand of God”, like the electrokinetic Level 10 mercenary. Unfortunately, this university-sponsored student news [i]outlet[/i] is not allowed to personally disclose the specifics of the event; those keeping up with [i]current[/i] events will gladly explain how the perpetrator failed to [i]conduct[/i] themselves properly. However, we can attest that it was very poor taste and not satisfying in the least. Thankfully, it was resolved without further [i]resistance[/i]. Nobody has been [i]charged[/i] for this crime. An official apology has been issued by the school, which can be found [u]here[/u] To get the full story, we tried to interview our benevolent, handsome, gracious dean. Although he refused to give an actual interview due to a prior commitment, he did leave student news reporters with some words of wisdom on his way out: “Tell them that we’re pretty sure we know what the [i]other[/i] hand of god is doing.” Followed by laughter. It can only be inferred that ENMA University IT has obtained evidence that the PMC Hand of God and the ENMA Hacker Hand of God who hijacked the school’s network and got porn banned from the wi-fi (a petition to restore pornography to the dormitories can be found [u]here[/u]) may not be the same individual. Could this mean that there is a mysterious hacker who has stolen the mercenary’s identity to avoid scrutiny? Is this be the first in a series of unfortunate events? Only time will tell. [/quote] [quote=Editor's Notes (Sent: April 4, 2038) // ->] Really? [i]Really[/i]? Fine, keep the puns, but at least be consistent in your italics with them. Cut out the petition and the misinterpretation of the dean's obvious joke, we need to remain credible here (and besides, that petition has way more than the necessary supporters). Keep the dean asskissing though, we'll get more funding that way. Fix those and send me the fixed draft when you're done. BTW were you drunk when you wrote this or something? [/quote] [quote=Re: Editor's Notes (Sent: April 4, 2038) // ->] Did you just fucking publish it? [/quote] [h2]Mika Alkaev - Just Another Cog in the Machine / For The Hand of God[/h2] The edge of the rooftop was rapidly approaching with each step forward. The morning sunrays beat down on his back, just as the air flowed against his face and through his hair. There was no thought. There no problems. The world bled into a blur, and all that was left was the rush. This was ideal. The blond-haired boy inhaled sharply and tensed his muscles. Then, just before the building beneath him disappeared, Mika kicked off the edge of the parapet and launched himself across the alleyway, landing on the opposite roof and shaving off excess momentum by flowing seamlessly into a well-executed roll. With a wide grin, the Russian dusted off his courier uniform - basically a branded tracksuit - and stretched his arms out, getting a few kinks out in the process. He also grabbed the strap of his messenger bag and shifted it back over his shoulder. “Alright…” Mika mumbled, turning on the holoscreen of his D-Watch as he took a few more steps towards the opposite edge of the building, “I’m a bit early, but it says I’m supposed to meet this guy and drop off the package about now….” He lowered his arm and surveyed the area below - Rutherford Plaza, as it were. “Don’t see anyone super shady looking down there. Guess he’s not here yet,” Mika commented, looking around as if there might be anyone on his little rooftop, “Still can’t believe they’re having me transport this much… Jeez. I know I’m good, but if anyone found out about this, I’d be done for.” With a shrug, he began walking the perimeter of the building, searching for a way down. The architecture of Pyramid City was a bit of a mismatched at times - being some odd combination of traditional Japanese, art deco, and sleek futuristic architecture - but this meant that there were plenty of means for vertical navigation. Case in point: the pathway he’d mapped out in his head that would lead him into the alleyway below. Granted, it wasn’t the most elegant of ways - it involved a lot of dropping and grabbing - but it would work. After a few minutes of the aforementioned dropping and grabbing, Mika hit the ground, his mechanical boots mitigating whatever impact that drop would’ve inflicted on himself. Quickly exiting the alley, Mika stepped into the plaza proper. He looked around for his contact - still absent, unfortunately - and then for a suitable place to wait. His eyes fell on the stone bench in the center of the plaza, the one that formed the base of an abstract metal statue that probably had some kind of symbolic significance, and his body followed suit. Let the waiting begin. [h2]For Rouka[/h2] [quote=D-Watch SMS // Username: 7694016219 -> Username: (Whatever Rouka's Is) ] You have my approval to take whatever action you deem fit. [System ERROR: Cannot reply to this message.] [/quote] [h2]For Aria[/h2] Aria's apartment would be paged from the lobby about one "Kirima Sasaki", here to pick her up (probably not literally) for that thing she wanted to do.