[hider=Azo'tet of Death]Name: Azo'tet Gender: Genderless Appearance: [hider=Lord Death][img]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/rift_contest__death_colossus_by_zureul-d3jdspr.jpg[/img] 13'3" [/hider] Personality: Azo'tet is a solemn being who has an indifferent view on the life cycle of mortals as he is the caretaker of the the departed souls. He sees the short lives of mortals an interesting concept from an immortal point of view and also knows that they need to be kept in check in fear of death to never rise against the gods. Azo'tet is the type that would rather sit back and watch others do his dirty work than get involved himself as he likes to manipulate from the shadows. Major Domain: Death Minor Domains: Medicine, Poison Your Avatar: [hider=Hound of Hades][img]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/prometheus_by_GunnerRomantic.jpg[/img] The avatar of Azo'tet takes the form of a massive hound with tendrils of ember trailing behind the head. From his mouth can spew forth rivers of lava and pillars of ash that can choke the air. Mortals that touch the tendrils of ember are wisped away to the afterlife as their bodies are consumed in flames and their souls feed the God of Death. The hide of the beast is as thick as stone and can deflect all mortal weapons that are turned against him. [/hider] Stance: Azo'tet has ambitions of taking the crown for himself and ruling over the rest of the gods. He will use any means necessary to make his ambitions become a reality. Relations: Powers: Azo'tet has the power to kill mortals with a mere touch or cure them from any disease that afflicts them. He is able to create poisons or medicine that can cure or cause most afflictions to mortals but would have no affect to Demi-Gods or Gods. Where ever he walked, he is able to absorb the life from the area at will to feed himself as he does not eat like others but from the souls of other living beings. Godly Equipment: [b]Apothecary Axe:[/b] The axe of the Death god is able to bring death to mortals with a single touch and even mortally wounding other gods as it absorbs the life around it. Demi Gods: [hider=Morgrim The Collector] [img]http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/aspect_of_death_by_velinov-d6isjk8.jpg[/img] Morgrim is the only child of the Death God Azo'tet. He is a four-armed demon blessed with the ability to steal souls from mortals with a swing of his weapon. He carries with him a gift from his father, the Lantern of Demon Light, which is a God's Bane Weapon which can convert the souls trapped within to blue flames that can engulf entire fields in unending fire that water can not extinguish. [/hider] Name of your Land: Izamo Lands: Izamo is a landlocked realm pushed up against the deserts of Illiosis on one side and the wastelands of Xepthys surrounds the other half of the nation. Separating the desert from his land are the Forlorn Mountains that stretch the entire length of the border reaching high into the sky. Underneath these mountains lies the a catacomb of dark tunnels and massive caverns rich with herbs and minerals that remains the home of the Dark Elves since the beginning of time. Pushed up against the base of the mountains and spanning the rest of the land is a dense jungle populated by dangerous creatures of all kinds that live in a constant cycle of life and death. Surviving within the harsh jungles of Izamo are the various tribes of the centaurs that travel through the underbrush as nomadic tribes. People: The native residents on Izamo are the shadow-born dark elves that crawled from the deep caverns of the Forlorn Mountains to serve their Lord Death and the jungle dwelling shamanistic centaurs that are renowned for their savagery. The Dark elves of Izamo are skilled architects of herbs and medicine that was gifted to them by their Lord for their own means. Azo'tet rewarded the dark elves for their loyalty with the blessing of toxic resistance allowing them to have a high tolerance towards poisons and other toxic materials. The centaurs of Izamo are savage creatures that only know survival of the fittest as a means of living. They live in tribal war bands that that roam within the borders of Izamo battling against each other in a never ending war of survival. The centaurs are worshipers of death who believe that the God is the embodiment of all their ancestors. Culture: Dark Elves may be the civilized portion of Izamo with large sprawling cities of rock and marble underneath the Forlorn Mountains but they can be just as bloodthirsty as the roaming bands of Centaurs in the jungles outside. The popular sport in Izamo is pitfighting in massive arenas where people can go to watch all manner of creatures battle to the death. The Dark Elves chose to stay underground as they found that direct sunlight is harsh on their eyes and can even cause severe burns across their body. The elves are skilled healers and herbalists that know what kind of medicine can prolong the life of their patients on death's door thought they do believe that there is no eternal escape from death if Azo'tet does not wish it. The centaurs of Izamo are ruthless savages who believe that their ancestor spirits will protect them in battle and that ritualistic sacrifices are needed to please Azo'tet. Their beliefs are that only the strong are allowed to survive and any that do not show strength are to be left behind to be swallowed up by the jungle. Among the chieftains of the various tribes there is agreement that they must hone their battle skills against each other for the day that they are to be called upon by the Lord of Death to serve in his armies. Technology: Roman/ Germanic Barbarians Capital: Kalian is the capital of the Dark Elves realm that likes under the Mountain of Souls. This is a massive sprawling city that even spills out from under the mountain onto high terraces that overlooks the lands below. There are two main features of the city that makes it stand out from any other city, these features are the massive arena sitting high at one end of the cavern which draws fighters from all over the world to prove who the greatest fighter is, another draw is located in the center of the city which is also the lowest part of the city. Located at the bottom is a large crystal that emanates an eerie white light where no mortal is allowed to go as this crystal is called the [i]Soul Engine[/i], and this is the final resting play for all mortal souls in the world. Beings: The jungle of Izamo is filled with savage creatures that would rip you apart without a second thought and is not a place for those of the faint of heart.[/hider]