[quote=@xChrome] [@SpookySquid] Alright thanks for accepting me mate, that's not a problem to me and would make sense. By the way, some quick questions, I assume this RP takes place in the present and magic is a pretty common thing in the world? And what's the tone of the RP? [/quote] I'll get back to you on the tone... I think I kind of need to sleep on that one to give you the best answer. For now, I'll just say the tone is sort of light hearted, with the occasional odd event, but there is mostly an element of mystery and exploration throughout the RP. I've decided that, in this reality, magic takes place in the "underground" so to speak. Only three types of people, or roughly 3% of the population even know about it: individuals that learned about it on their own, but nobody believed, some government officials, and people who are using it for... questionable... reasons. Although magic isn't really common in the world, it is quite common in the dungeon.