One moment, Victoria was looking at Illyad and Alex, and the next she was stumbling forward with a raspy inhale and Illyad’s back to her, Nyaira’s fangs bore in a snarl just beyond him. It took her a moment to realize what must have happened, a hand moving to rub the sore skin of her neck. She startled slightly away when Alex all but appeared by her side. She nodded to his question. “Are [i]you[/i] okay?” she returned, giving him a quick once-over, relief slowly settling in her chest at seeing him apparently unharmed. Nyaira’s snarl slowly faded into an enraged glower as she regarded Illyad with a murderous glare. She had been so focused on accomplishing her mission, she had failed to consider [i]who[/i] she would find the girl with. Nyaira waved her hand breezily at Illyad’s insult, though her expression remained stiff. “Can’t blame a woman for trying,” she said, her voice as airy as her motion. Her expression changed to one of dangerous calm. “But if I [i]don’t[/i] walk out of here with her,” she spared Victoria a glance, and took a slight step forward. Victoria stepped closer to Alex and reached to grip his hand. Nyaira looked back to Illyad “It won’t be just me you have to face. I found her once. No matter where you hide next, [i]we will find her,[/i]” she enunciated each word darkly. “And I can’t guarantee there won’t be any… [i]casualties.[/i]”