[hider=The Old Man's Intro][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_AQFnqMY3E[/url][/hider] It was a fair bit later that the atmosphere in the club changes a little. It's not the front door that opens though. It's a side door that leads into the Rollins Acrology itself. He's not dressed quite as to the nines as his son. Who has stood up and is watching him from the VIP balcony. Chance Rollins Sr. is a grizzled looking man. Burly and still powerful even in his early sixties. A basic black tuxedo, with a white frilled under shirt. His black trousers over gleaming leather shoes. He carries a designer made slate grey bowler in hand. He looks around the club with a soft hrm, looking at all the young and middle aged well to do in the club. Giving everyone a nod. He then looks up at the VIP balcony. Locking eyes with his son. Chance nods in greeting to the older man. Chance Sr nods slowly then with a gesture the atmosphere seems to pick back up. Chance Sr. takes the steps up to the VIP Balcony carefully, with an almost stately pace. When he gets up there. Chance Jr's friends have all gotten up and are standing off to the side, looking like an entourage of gaurds rather then Jr's friends. Chance Sr. takes a seat and is soon joined by his son, sitting across from each other on matching armchairs. Sr. places his hat on the table between them and sighs, "Business before pleasure." He looks to the side at the dusky skinned lady who is sitting just behind Chance Jr, "Another one son? Good choice though. Anyway. Reports." Chance Jr. takes a series of folders from a leather case one of Jr's friends hands to him. Each of them being a bi weekly report on how their departments and projects have been going. The conversation that the two Chance get into is horribly technical. Outlining how each department and project is going. After abit Chance Sr. leans back and nods, "Well done. All of you. Son, I want you to come and see me in the morning. There's something I want to discuss. But for the rest of the night. Let's get down." He waves to the bartender down on the floor who nods and gets the customary wine, champagne and other drinks ready for the Chance and Company group. The six members of Chance Jr's little group find places in the VIP lounge to sit down, begin to talk and socialize with others up there. Chance Jr. sighs and relaxes. nothing better then having a Dragon say you've done a good job. As he sits with the pretty dusky skinned woman leaning on his chest he looks out over the club. And for just a second or two his eyes stopping on a woman down there in the throngs. For a moment she looks familar. Someone who used to be a casual friend. But as the movement of the other club goers is. He loses sight of her after abit. His attention turned back to his father and his friends.