[center][b][color=blue][u][h2]Arden[/h2][/u][/color][/b] [/center] As Talos spoke in his strange synthesised voice, Arden realised he was not at the very back of the group as he first thought. While Nightwing then appeared and gave instructions Arden used the distraction to try and casually sneak behind Talos. Even if his attempts of subtlety left things not so subtle. Arden felt more confident and relaxed behind everyone else, out of the view of as many eyes as possible. He was curiously examining the android in front of hims when the floating people flashed across the large screen. This caught his interest and attention. Next thing the meeting was over. People moved to action, a girl disappeared in a flash, quips were made and the teleporter got busy. Arden continued to stare at the TV as he shrugged his shoulders and nervously followed the group. Unsure what to expect on the other side. After a short moment and a bright flash of light, London appeared before his eyes. It surrounded him, engulfed him, it was everywhere. He was in London. Arden froze, unable to move, unsure what to do, looking around like a deer caught in headlights. He didn't know where to mentally begin, so much was going on everywhere...