[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Sasha[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] Sasha took a moment to find a photoframe. She found one in what was a teachers office. Staring at the picture within it, she couldn't help but wonder if the child was alive. Gently extracting the back of it, she kept the childs photo in it, setting her own over the top. Returning to the room, she put it on a set of drawers someone had brought it. Which made Sasha frown. Sasha was well aware that she was just barely average height. At five foot three, she was, she thought, the smallest member of the group, aside from Grace. She didn't weigh much, as Matt had happily told her before, and she wasn't particularly strong. She had muscles. She was just too damn short to be involved in heavy lifting. WHich made her frustrated. She had gotten the bad end of the genetic pool with that, but she supposed she made up with that with IQ, but it still frustrated her. Shaking her head, she sighed and began to do more cleaning. She started to work her way to the cafeteria, thinking that maybe there'd be tin food or food that wouldn't spoil, still there. It was worth a shot to look, but at the shouting, the commotion, she followed it to see an unhappy ingrid walking off, Matt holding Grace, and a heck of a lot of confusion for her. She felt like she had missed something but didn't want to ask. So she carried on cleaning, staying out of the way of those still bringing stuff in. At the scream, Sasha didn't hesitate. She ran towards it, stopping for the briefest of seconds to grab one of the guns, sure she hadn't seen them before, at the entrance. She checked as she ran that it was loaded. Seeing Kyle about to get bitten, Sasha stopped, and only checked to make sure she was aiming properly, before firing. She fired again, at the other walker, knowing it was risky to fire a gun, but there would be no way she'd get there in time with her dagger. After the second shot, she started to run again, towards Kyle, shooting again and again if she had missed the shot. At the very least, she'd throw the walkers back slightly from Kyle, enough to give him a chance to get away. [@dabombjk][@Wick][@King tai][@josephb]