"Stay out of trouble. Got it." Samehana remarked, taking note of the bloodthirsty individuals that occupied the dock. If they were trying to hide the fact that they were sizing the Golden Fleece up, they were doing an incredibly bad job. The captain might have requested that she and Hamel stay out of trouble, but surely he wouldn't be too upset about a little "self defense", right? Not that she couldn't wait until Sancho gave the word, of course. While Sancho made his way to the harbor district, Samehana made her way downtown proper. As expected, many of those who occupied the island gave off the same warm and welcoming impression that those back at the dock did. Frankly, it wouldn't be surprising if some punks tried to steal from their ship while they were all out. If nothing else, they could almost count their blessings that their tiny ship wasn't terribly well-stocked to begin with at the moment. Except for all the fish, anyway. "What do people even do for fun in a place like this anyway?" the fishwoman muttered, hard-pressed to even think of a way that one could do much of anything in a haven for degenerates without getting into [i]some[/i] kind of mess. [i]"Sleuthing it is."[/i] Might as well try and cover some ground so everyone else isn't doing all of the legwork.