Talos peered at the feed, attempting to identify the phenomena under any well documented occurrence - findings less than conclusive. Yet at the same time, an explanation wasn't the primary objective at that point in time. Though not showing it, he did notice Arden step behind him. Quite odd, but chances are it's a matter of curiosity or a response of his personality or nature as opposed to hostile intentions on his part. Talos knew about the nanobots shortly after arriving at the facility, getting a notification of the foreign agents before the orientation began. He thought little of it, presuming the mechanisms to be a security measure more than anything. Despite how they're unlikely to do much for him initially, given his cybernetic nature, linking himself to the communications network should be possible. Holding up his right hand, palm facing up, fingers curved upward, a distinguishable, almost neon white circle appeared on his palm. His eyes glowed a similar white color as he accessed one of the nanobots. Moments later, his arm and eyes reverted back to normal. "Link up successful," he said in a monotone. He considered an in-depth diagnostic of the nanobots, but such things would have to wait. It appeared to the android that constant group communication may not be necessary in this first mission given that their orders basically involved assisting any civilian they came across however they could. The best course of action may very well be splitting off and covering as wide an area as possible. And noticing that many were rushing to the teleporter in no particular order, this was likely the plan everyone was to be operating under. The automaton ran for it as well, taking his place behind the others; time was of the essence.