Blink stopped crying as soon as she touched his pale face. He reached up to caress the hand that touched his cheek, little fingertips tracing across every inch of the hand. He loved being touched more than anything else. He probably liked it a little too much, as he constantly sought out physical contact from just about everyone. And he wasn't shy about where he touched. Quite the contrary. Blink's little fingers interlaced with Fran's as he played with her hand like a toy, letting out a giggle. Bad idea, apparently. Laughing hurt. Pain tore through his right side, muffled slightly by the painkillers he'd been injected with. He started to cough loudly, turning his head to the side as more blood splattered across his face and the table. Blood seemed to fill his lungs, making his shallow breaths rattle in his chest. He ground his teeth together, stifling a shriek into an agonize whine. He grabbed onto Fran's hand, digging his nails in hard. If he weren't in so much pain, he probably would have been all over her by now. He caught sight of the man on the table, taking in his gruesome injuries. Blink had learned not to be bothered by gore during his time in the circus, so he didn't react, far more interested in playing with Fran's hand to calm himself down a bit. He pulled her hand off his cheek, taking it to his mouth and giving it a frenzied kiss, and then another. "Thank you so much... for helping me..." He said in heavily accented English, touching his bloody lips to Fran's hand yet again, seeming not to care that his blood was getting everywhere. [@Belle]