[quote=@Phoenix] Here's something more positive and vaguely related to the RP! Make Yourself a Gym Leader! [@Prints Avoid][@c3p-0h][@DepressedSoviet][@Kymera][@Xan the G] If you, personally (not your character), were a Gym Leader, what type would you be? What type of Pokemon would you have? What would your badge be and what would it look like? Would you gauge trainers of a particular trait or would they just have to beat you? Where would you be located (anime/manga/game or real life)? The setting in which you place is completely up to you. The rules and regulations are completely up to you. Whether Pokemon know 4 or 234357893274 moves is up to you, etc. For an example, I'll share mine. It's based off this RP's setting (so you can also get an idea of how the GLs function). [hider]-Place- Cherrygrove City (Johto) -Type- Fire -Pokemon- Cyndaquil (0-4) Quilava (5-13) Typhlosion (14-18) Houndour (3-9) Houndoom (16-18) Slugma (0-4) Magcargo (12-18) Numel (1-9) Camerupt (10-15) Lampent (10-15) Chandelure (16-18) Litleo (5-13) Pyroar (14-16) -Stipulations- I would look for adaptability and creativity. Adaptability: Using offensive maneuvers defensively to prevent damage. Using defensive maneuvers offensively to counter/damage me. Creativity: Using maneuvers to accomplish something other than it's intended purpose. From 0-4 Badges, I wouldn't have any limitations or stipulations. Just a normal "defeat my Pokemon with all of your Pokemon." From 5 Badges and on, a challenger would only be able to use as many Pokemon as I would use. From 10 Badges and on, a challenger would only be able to use as many Pokemon as I would use. The challenger would be able to choose the Pokemon, specifically, but the order in which they are used will be randomly determined. From 16 Badges and on, a challenger would only be able to use as many Pokemon as I would use. The challenger would be able to choose the Pokemon, specifically, but the order in which they are used will be determined by me. Switching Pokemon, from both sides, will not be allowed unless the Pokemon is determined to be defeated, otherwise, the round is considered forfeit.[/hider][/quote]