And there we are. Let me know if there are problems. (Side note: still missing a picture since none of the ones I'm finding really work) [hider=James Ellsworth] [b]Name:[/b] James Ellsworth [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at about 6 feet tall, James has a very lanky frame. While at first glance he seems quite bookish, his calloused hands and light layer of muscle show the hard work he has put into his ambitions. He has short brow hair that is cleanly brushed behind his ears, and blue eyes. He wears a leather coat, and rarely travels without his pack of supplies for him to tinker with while he travels. His belt is also lined with a series of pouches for him to store any samples he might find interesting in his travels for him to study later. He also has a bow and quiver slung over his side, with a few arrows color coded to denote their unique properties, such as his "glass shard special". [b]Personality:[/b] If one word comes to mind describing James, that word would be "eccentric". After all, most people with his talent for tinkering would settle down in a village somewhere, not carry his livelihood on his back and go adventuring. James, on the other hand, subscribes to a philosophy of learning by doing. Where most might be given pause by something, James recklessly dives into the unknown, often at his own risk. Still, when James isn't risking his life in the pursuit of knowledge, he is a polite gentleman. James show kindness to just about everyone he meets. James is also an optimist, and tries to see the best in everyone. [b]Goal:[/b] James wants to learn about the magics of this realm to advance his experiments and craft amazing inventions. [b]Skills:[/b] Engineering-1 Alchemy (Potion Making)-1 Hunting-1 [b]Ability:[/b] To be assigned. [b]Inventory:[/b] [list] [*] Bow and a quiver of arrows, some of which are experimental trick arrows [*] Tinkering equipment for engineering [*] Glass vials and equipment for potion making [*] Hunting knife for ingredient gathering[/list] [/hider]