[h3][center]Taka[/center][/h3] There definitely was an uncomfortable feeling around the group...and Taka wasn't that stupid to tell it was partially due to him being an Outlaw. However, he much rather be viewed as this than be viewed as one who was discredited by his family. To make up for the awkward silences and hushes, he starts leaving toward the munitions tent once more. "I'll be back...guess I'll try to make it up to you nobles and do something nice like the maid over there." Going inside to notice a much more quiet environment, he was able to peacefully swipe full plates of food. The men were all drunk if not tired from being busy feasting on all the food that was there, though leaving quite a savage mess. There was really no need to take THEIR food, but he took the food that they were about to take later on. Though, his greedy self of course had to go into the kitchen as well and grab a few extras as well. He quickly heads back to the others bringing a small cart to carry the feast he brought with him. On his way back, he was distracted by a rather large cart and was debating about taking the cart or using the small one he found earlier. "Would I get in trouble if I take it? It's just a cart...not like there's anything of importance to it. Maybe the people won't notice...or should?" [hider=Peeps In Story][@Melkor][@Fairess][@Polaris North][@Fubsy][@Lady Athena][@Nanashi Ninanai][@Snarfulblast][@Darkmoon Angel][/hider]