Fred looked around, flicking his cigar away. He got closer to the man and pulled his recharger pistol, not in a threatening way but one that clearly showed it could be moved to be in a threatening spot. "See friend, there's a bit of trouble with what you said. First off you may be from the Donna looking for traitors and people trying to usurp her. Then of course, I could always give you to her. But hey, you said nothing against her, right? So you can say I am listening." He twirled his gun a few times in the classic cowboy style, grinning and turning his head just [i]so[/i] to let the light bounce off of his metal teeth. With a sigh he put his weapon away as a show of good faith. "I just need to know you're not a trap pal. The thing is that I was about to go to her and snake some people; don't worry I'm not a snake, it's simply that I got snaked too." he said, trying not to make things sound more complicated than they were. He motioned for the man to move a bit further away from the club and the general public with him in case the man had something confidential. "Well?" he asked.