I come back from classes to see people cracking jokes about /GO. Yeah, seems about right. Having actually read the story, the America arc is pretty stupid but involves more Irishmen and Indians than you think. London tho. Tesla makes zero sense anyways why is he painted us as the villain after Lancer Arturia Alter WHY IS THAT EVEN A THING. Anyways... Right! Forms. [@AtomicNut]: Master okay'd. Time to look for a Servant. [@Cojemo]: Rider version OK'd from me. Good to go. [@KoL]: Actually kinda have a few worries here just become of how... "Perfect" the character is and how weird everything attempts to connect together. For starters... -Fire/Ether element plus a version of Volumen Hydrargyrum (whose original master Kayneth was Water/Wind) feels quite out of place. I don't see how making a chain of silver act like that (with its giant active range of motion for offensive and defensive purposes) should work. Definitely seems more like Water/Wind to me. -There is nothing wrong with a spoiled brat or a character who is coddled from birth, but it doesn't make sense for a character to have motivation without sufficient reason. In the situation you've described, I would've thought that the resultant character would be forced to work themselves to the goddamn BONE because of how all of their family's hopes and dreams now rest on their shoulders. Magi are generally very shitty parents, after all. Fairly certain they wouldn't be pushing her around and would instead probably stake their lives on getting back on track. -Leading off from that, I'm fairly certain magic circuits don't just up and disappear when scientific discoveries pop up. Most Magi are eugenics maniacs on par with competitive Pokemon players to try and keep the number of Magic Circuits alive, anyhow, so if you achieve a result like that over the course of a few centuries then in theory EVERY clan should be swimming in circuits now. -Mystic Eyes of Charm have the potential to baaasically remove a plot point from existence if you just so happen to target an NPC who may not be a magus or Servant or anything with any resistance. No good. -Backstory implies that the development of thermodynamics caused a general death of fire circuits in turn, which is like... What? So, uh... Yeah. There are quite a few things there, I'd say. You can make a counterargument if you wish, but I've made a case for now. Edit: GAAAH TIRED. Forgot I accepted Himiko already.