[quote=@CrazyShadowy]How's everybody doing?[/quote] [quote=@Gowi]I'll elaborate in a few hours when I'm not on my phone.[/quote] Alright, I mentioned that I’d do this in a few hours but I didn’t expect my internet to be as spotty and inconsistent as it is— something I’ll have to make note to fix as soon as possible. Anyway, a sort of sequence of events sort of led to me having to make a judgement call with my life and I decided to not take any time of the sort with it. Tuesday morning a family friend arrived at my home and we had a long discussion to where it had been put to my attention that my father’s health has been slipping in areas that I was not previously aware due to how introverted, prideful, and non-socialable he tends to be. Said family friend suggested I take a visit to him (he lives only one city over, so it isn’t an issue) and I had a long conversation to the point that I realized I’d have to move out of my home and move back to my father’s to better safeguard his health— a fact that was reinforced when my father tried to write off the family friend’s concerns with comments such as “I only had a mild stroke.” or justifying how him falling while doing work on the lawn and such is due to something like losing his footing and the like. So, I’m in the process of leasing my house to my now former roommates as I attempt to get settled back in where I lived during my teenage years. It’s just one of the things that is how my life is. Obviously this may slightly effect my time on the computer, but I don’t think it really will (as I was doing all the work at my house anyway since I have lazy friends living with me) outside of moments where I have to cater to his needs; which I imagine will only be amongst the “cleaning the ditch” variety. Now, it’s a lot to process for me but I haven’t really felt bad or sorrowful about it. Today has consisted of me getting internet resettled at my father’s, moving some of my things (sans dresser, bed, and desk really) into the spare room and getting adjusted. So that’s how I’m doing, heh.