[@PKMNB0Y] [hider=Ravel Livoria D'Arby] Name: Ravel Livoria D’Arby Age:22 Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5Iv5ZDs.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: Ravel seems to be a rather outgoing. An idealist who would go about proclaiming the desire to find true love and other such trivialities, despite not having much experience in the former. The sort of person who idealizes the constructs of chivalry presented within the confines of knights from the stories of old and despite knowing their validity within the world as a whole, wishes the constructs were withheld by others, even if lightly. Ravel is proud of her family, loyal to those she cares about, and a tad bit headstrong for her own good. Of course, that doesn’t exactly make her a “good” person, but of course, one could say that Ravel tends to operate in some degree of respect to those around her, even if the view of “respect” is warped from her family’s roots in magecraft. Stubborn to a near fault, when Ravel decides something it is nigh impossible to change her opinion without good reason. Usually preferring introversy, Ravel regularly maintains a facade of confidence backed up by her intelligence and kind nature, but is the type more suited to housework than true combat in terms of overall personality. However, her skills as a magi and her desire to ensure her family’s prosperity drive her forward passed this sort of barrier. Is very introspective and hard on herself for any failures and the like. Abilities: Origin: Togetherness Elemental Affinity: Fire Number of Magic Circuits: C Quality of Magic Circuits: B Od: A Magecraft: General Magecraft: The most rudimentary of magics any mage is expected to know, ranging from simple formalcraft, magically locking a door, contracting, and the curse of self-healing. Fire magecraft: Simple usage of concepts such as “combustion” and “entropy” to create “energy”. Spiritual Surgery Advanced Bounded Field Creation: The ability to create advanced bounded fields, trappings, and other such things. Though not as potent as a certain clocktower professor, but still a respectable practice nonetheless. Naturally, the ability to place “doors” and “walls” is to be expected. Spiritual Evocation: Magecraft relating to spiritual existences. Black Magic: The arts of cursing and the like. Magic in the west for cursing is often considered barbaric, however, certain cliques of mages still practice these acts. Western arts of cursing are also typically considered to be weaker than that of their Eastern counterparts, aside from select few branches, however, even then certain elements from these techniques, unlike standard ideological barriers that exist in most schools of magecraft which prevent the mix of aspects from different cultures, the concept of “hate” stays stagnant throughout all of mankind. Equipment: A crate of dead dogs. A bag of marbles. Each marble has a wraith stored within for safe keeping. History: Ravel was born a mage at heart. The desperation of her family’s position gave them a desire to produce a Magus who would be able to be of some renown in the mage’s association and place them back within a position of power.Without a proper withholder to the magical craft of the D'Arby family, it seemed like for generations the family would eventually die out due to the line constantly losing their “worth” as magi. Once a prominent family within England’s prestigious magus circle, generations had gone by without even an average magus being born into the D’Arby family. Thought to be dying out, Ravel had appeared as if a miracle to save the family from demise akin to a certain worm-based magic family in the east.However, generations of mediocrity has made the status of the family desperate to find prestige once more, as well as desperate to create a new heir. Though their craft was still apparent, the circuits of their descendants were slowly dying off. At least, until Ravel was born. An oddity within her family’s trend, Ravel’s circuits above average for a typical magi, and absolutely blowing away the other members of her family. Her father had taught her almost she knew about magecraft, always inspired to see the other work within his workshop, easily susceptible to the "whimsical" inclination of children at first to what magic was. Something that was part of her life, unlike the masses who considered such crafts as a myth or something they see in silly Japanese cartoons. Other: Through extensive training Ravel is skilled in the fields of “housework”, “making tea”, and “haggling”. Though able to drive rather well, one could say that it is “dangerous’ to enter a vehicle with her, though this does not have to do with the skill of this craft. [/hider]