[@PKMNB0Y] Nah, your points are ok. This is a prototype version of the character anyway, I can do some adjustments. Though, I can argue that Seyrun is not perfect, she's a top notch magus, that's for sure, but not perfect. All in all, she's around Rin's power level as far as I can tell. If you disagree, I'm willing to listen why. What I have to say though, is that she may look better than the others simply because she's more "expositive". Basically, the other other masters haven't dropped any details about their magic in quantifiable ways, or even named for elemental alignment, for starters. While in content with that as is, Seyrun is supposed to be a"by the book" magus, so the fact that her parameters are measurable is the only thing making her seem more powerful than the others up to now, IMO. I'll work around that anyway. The no go on the mystic eyes is a bit disappointing though, some that "mind trick" like stuff was one of my favorite traits in the character.