[hider="Gruncle" Jaege Lange] [h3][color=4DE474][center]"Gruncle" Jaege Lange[/center][/color][/h3] .::[color=4DE474]π”Έπ•˜π•–[/color]::. 57 .::[color=4DE474]ℝ𝕒𝕔𝕖[/color]::. Hylian .::[color=4DE474]π”Ύπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£[/color]::. Male .::[color=4DE474]π”Έπ•‘π•‘π•–π•’π•£π•’π•Ÿπ•”π•–[/color]::. [center][img]http://2static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Reinhardt+short+comp_b9a45d_5971488.jpg[/img][/center] Jaege is 7'4" and built like a great white topped mountain. He is a wild haired man whose white mane shows his age, even if the rest of his physique does not. While he often wears a plain straw hat and white tunic to block the sun, he is definitely not afraid to take off his shirt. His face, though one might not notice it under the beard, wears the proud scars of many smiles and in very strong laugh lines. .::[color=4DE474]π•‹π•™π•–π•žπ•– π•Šπ• π•Ÿπ•˜[/color]::. [hider=Main Theme][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHfDPCIn2HQ[/youtube][/hider] .::[color=4DE474]β„™π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿπ•’π•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ[/color]::. In seven words: Gregarious, Fearless, Forgiving, Responsible, Loves a Challenge Gregarious: [color=4DE474]"Put away that frown."[/color] Jaege is an outgoing man who loves to smile and loves to laugh, and wishes these things for all around him. Fearless: [color=4DE474]"Haha, good one!"[/color] Jaege is not one to be intimidated, or daunted by any challenge. Forgiving: [color=4DE474]"Admitting you are wrong is hard, so never make it harder![/color] He is a man who forgives and asks for forgiveness easily. He is not one to let the sins of the father hang upon the child. Responsible: [color=4DE474]"No reason to fear failure, only fear you let it be last thing you do."[/color] Jaege may not sweat the small details, but when the stakes are raised, he'll not budge. Loves a Challenge: [color=4DE474]"Any labor can be made a game, if you set your heart to it."[/color] Always one to give it his best, Jaege is always down for a physical challenge. He not always so good at games of wit, but he will give it his best shot. .::[color=4DE474]π”Ήπ•’π•”π•œπ•€π•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. Jaege was born the first son of a woodworker, by a few minutes. While both sons were taught the trade by Papa Lange, Jaege had his mind more focused on other matters, more interested in hauling the wood to the shop than the shopping itself. Physical, rambunctious, and larger than even his own large family, Jaege was quickly king of the hill in any contest of strength and wrestling, even over kids a few years older than him. And he was a jerk about it sometimes, but over time, learned the error of his ways. His brother taking up the family trade, Jaege put his muscles to work, doing pretty much any hard labor around Kakariko but mining, being too large to fit in the mine, though he often worked with moving the rocks once they were out of the mine. Jaege was ultimately an unambitious man completely happy to work hard, make friends, and help others. His younger sister got him involved in the orphanage in Kakariko, where playing with the children and helping out with the tasks there became his family. Jaege never sought out romance, and it never came for him, so he was never married. To the children, he was Uncle Jaege, and as time and the generations turned, he became Great Uncle Jaege, or Gruncle Jaege, friend to many. Recently, one of those friends, Ilam, a Shiekah who had married one of the girls who grew up in the orphanage, entrusted him with looking after Veitaru, their adopted Gerudo child. Jaege is not one to turn down such a request from a friend. However, Ilam has not returned, and Veitaru has told Jaege of strange dreams she has been having. The request to venture to the graveyard does not seem too much trouble, and so Jaege has accompanied her to keep her out of any trouble she might turn up. .::[color=4DE474]π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•π•π•€/π•‹π•’π•π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕀[/color]::. [list] [*] Big, Strong, Tough (PS) (9) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"I am the strongest in Hylia! Save for Papa Lange, of course."[/color] Jaege is a HUGE man, with ample strength and muscle mass. Powerful and enduring, Jaege's claim might be quite reasonable if not for the existence of Gorons and Monsters.[/list] [*] Wrestling (FS) (8) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"Those who need iron boots to wrestle Gorons not trying hard enough!"[/color] Whether it is the children at the orphanage, or the Gorons from the mountain, Jaege does not refuse a challenge. Jaege has great strength, but that is not all he has, he has a keen sense for balance, and knocking others off theirs. Hard knocks and butting heads do not distract him from keeping an eye on whose weight is where. [/list] [*] Pure Soul (MS) (8) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"The heart is the strongest muscle!"[/color] Jaege is not a man who can be frightened. He is not a man you can tempt with money or power. If your spell can be broken by will, courage, and resistance to temptation, it will find no purchase on Jaege.[/list] [*] Lifting (PS) (7) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"Brother, I most certainly do Lift!"[/color] Having spent a lifetime hauling, lifting, and doing various hard labor, Jaege knows how to wear a load for carrying, to spot where to shove to shift a boulder, and general good mechanical practical sense. The young ones always wear themselves out, relying on their youth and strength, but Jaege is a wise man who uses the age of wisdom along with strength that hasn't left him yet to achieve anything! [/list] [*] Throwing (PS) (7) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"If you can still see what you threw, you did not throw it hard enough!"[/color] Jaege likes the old sport of "get a giant log, and heave it as far as you can, or a boulder, or generally anything heavy." And he's quite good at it. He's also pretty good with a skipped rock, having shown many a child how. However, this is more of a practical type throwing than a fighting type throwing, as he throws for orientation and distance, not accuracy and leading a target. [/list] [*] Camping (SS) (5) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"Camp in a bad tent, wake up in bad shape."[/color] Long ago, Jaege was drafted into the forces of the Hylian Army with another land petty border squabble. He never did remember much of the fighty bits of training, because those lessons never got reinforced with actually fighting, but the other skills, like keeping your tent dry, lighting a fire, and other logistical trials of the common soldier were definitely practiced. Jaege still camps from time to time with the kids.[/list] [*] Woodworking (PS) (4) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"A little patience and some scraps to wrap them together, and even the most battered sticks will hold."[/color] Though he never decided to take up the same profession as his brother Brunhold, Jaege helped out many times, and they've collaborated together. Though his brother is definitely the expert compared to Jaege, Jaege certainly isn't helpless at the task.[/list] [/list] .::[color=4DE474]𝔾𝕠𝕒𝕝𝕀[/color]::. Jaege wishes to make well on his promise to keep Veitaru safe, and find his good friend he made the promise to safe and sound. Jaege would not mind saving the world while he's at it, many of his favorite people live there! .::[color=4DE474]π•€π•Ÿπ•§π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. [list] [*] 1 Empty Bottle [*] Leather Flask [*] Small Metal Flask of alcohol [*] Harness for Carrying, Pulling, and Lifting [*] Three foot length of light chain [*] Plenty of straps [*] Lunchbox [/list] .::[color=4DE474]π•Žπ•’π•π•π•–π•₯[/color]::. Greens(1): 13 Blues(5): 4 Reds(20): 4 Total: 113 [/hider] Well, sorry it took me so long.