[hider=Senna] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/92/75/4d/92754d41185b89d80df83e8f1e2ea6d7.jpg[/img][/center] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Senna Aurelius Constance [i][b]Age:[/b][/i] 24 [i][b]Gender:[/b][/i] Female [i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] Standing at five foot eight, she's definitely a tall one. Senna has a fairly lithe frame with fairly obviously muscle and a dark complexion. She has long bright red hair falls to just below her shoulders with bright emerald green eyes. Typically, she dresses in light metal armor over her torso and legs, with leather gloves on her hands. On her waist she wears a leather belt that has various pouches on it for carrying items, as well as a steel sword at her waist. Around her neck, she wears a necklace with a yellow gemstone. It's a simple thing that doesn't seem too expensive, but seems to carry some sentimental value for her. Doesn't like people touching it. [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] Snarky, hot-headed, a bit of a sarcastic wise ass, though overall friendly and talkative. That said, she's perfectly friendly if one can ignore her sarcasm and wise ass remarks. She'll have your back on anything, even if you don't necessarily have hers. That said, she's more than a little greedy and stubborn, which can make for a pretty bad combination in the presence of something worth more than your weight in gold. A thief is a thief, after all. She is also an incredibly curious individual, and loves reading, myths, and legends of any sort. It's easy to get her attention with such stories and things, and she tends to let her imagination get carried away sometimes with thoughts of ancient cities, treasures, and other things. She wants nothing more than to explore the wider world and learn about its people...and possibly find an expensive magical artifact or two. [i][b]Goal:[/b][/i] Adventure, Treasure, to see the world, and a good brawl or two. But mostly for possible treasure. If pressed by someone she likes, she might make an offhand comment about wanting to leave her old life as for whatever reason. Which, she will tell you, was a professional thief and bandit. [i][b]Skills: [/b][/i] Swordsmanship, Longsword - 1 Acrobatics - 1 Stealth - 1 Ability: To be assigned. [i]Inventory:[/i] -Sword -Gemstone Necklace -Journal and writing implements. Seems to already be half filled with things. (Touch, you will lose a hand) -Two hunting knives, used mostly in case of emergencies. [/hider]