[list][*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Althienna Ly Van Del Vanten [*][u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 23 [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] [url=http://safebooru.org//images/1759/b455c2541ef4a04873b6e3c87b86538ee8f9e40b.jpg?1840599]"Oh, such a surprise seeing you here..."[/url] [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] At first glance, Althienna appears to be a polite and sweet girl with a friendly disposition. This isn't exactly a lie, she is really quite friendly towards others and endeavors for politeness at all times. However, alongside this demeanor is a magus of brutal and terrifying efficiency. Just as she is sweet and approachable to friends, Althienna is merciless towards enemies. Her demeanor is one of pleasant mocking even when she is about to kill an enemy. Althienna is also difficult to anger, but when truly angry can be an absolute terror in a fight, with a single-minded desire to absolutely destroy her enemies. Althienna can be somewhat easily flustered, which is surprising given her very, very long list of not-exactly-hidden-at-all perversions. [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] Althienna's affinity as a magus is air. She is also a star magus of the Van Del Vanten family, possessing a high degree of magic circuits of quite excellent quality. As a result, her capabilities as a combatant are high, though she is rather useless when forced into a physical confrontation. She possesses a fair number of different spells, what many would expect from an accomplished magus, such as defensive bounded fields and the like, as well as many basics such as reinforcement. Some notable spells include:[list][*][u]Cannon Air[/u]: A spell refined throughout the Van Del Vanten's family, Cannon Air is a high-power spell requiring several actions in order to properly cast. However, due to her high degree of skill, she is capable of rapidly performing these actions in order to more quickly cast the spell. In terms of power, an unprotected human is likely to be completely torn apart by the sudden high-pressure blast of wind, rendered an unrecognizable bloody mess. A modification of the spell can produce a much more concentrated blast that is capable of punching a hole through mundane barriers. [*][u]Wind Razor[/u]: A quicker spell that fires a hail of razor-sharp, visible waves of wind. Any magus can relatively easily counter the spell, but more inept targets will be forced to dodge or die. [*][u]Bounded Fields[/u]: Althienna has knowledge of a fair number of bounded fields, which she can use to force undesirables out of a location, or conceal it from view. One in particular utilizes wind-based attacks to assault invaders, but takes a long time to be constructed. [*][u]Mystic Code-Endless Glutton:[/u] Althienna's suitcase is capable of taking in any single amount of a substance and engulfing it entirely, as well as being used for simple storage. It has a maximum capacity of one ton. Althienna can also entirely hide herself in it, though this rarely seems necessary.[/list] [*][u][b]History:[/b][/u] Born into the affluent Van Del Vanten family, Althienna was brought up with a great deal of wealth and education in magecraft. She quickly became known as an excellent student and highly efficient magus, and naturally there was no real question of her obtaining rank in the Clock Tower. Indeed, she eventually came to work directly under El-Melloi II. As a result, her presence in this new venture was requested, in order to operate as a Master for one of the Servants. [*][u][b]Other:[/b][/u] N/A[/list]