----Dragonrage Pass---- -Everyone- When Taka decided to get more food, the young prince thought it was a good idea to go with you. "H-hey, Taka was it? Let me come with you and help you out. We're going to need a lot of food for everyone here after all." He said. "I also need to look for my escort." He then turned to everyone else. "Everyone, just stay put and continue with the introductions okay?" -[@cloudystar]- You and Jarde make your way along to the supply tents but as you head there, you pass through the encampments of the Varjan contingent. You see sights of their large and bulky-armored [url=https://www.games-workshop.com/resources/catalog/product/600x620/99120201013_ChaosWarriorsNEW01.jpg]warriors[/url] sitting around and... preparing their weapons? Varjo's military was always a battle-hungry bunch but you feel as if they are readying for a fight when there should not be any. Still, you reach the supply area without incident and there you see a [url=http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/valkyriecrusade/images/5/54/Rose_Knight.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/342?cb=20141206181655]blonde, red-armored woman[/url] who was quite in a foul mood with the chefs. "[color=red]What do you mean there's no more of Sir Gert's Special?![/color]" She complained quite loudly. "[color=red]I personally met with him to make sure there was enough for everyone in this meeting! Including the Dwarves![/color]" "M-Merilia..." Apparently Jarde knew this irritated woman. "...Please don't cause such a commotion." The woman name Merilia gasped when she heard Jarde's voice. "[color=red]B-but my lord! A prince such as yourself must have the finest meals possible...![/color]" While Jarde continued to calm Merilia down, you had begun your rather questionable method of acquiring food. You have swiped enough food and now you have to return to your peers. You probably need to take Prince Jarde and the red-armored woman with you too. But as you go about your business, you see several Varjan Warriors approaching you three. You spot their weapons on them and they walk towards you as if they were there for you and not the food. -Everyone except cloudystar- Moments after Prince Jarde and Taka leave, a strange and enigmatic figure approaches the bonfire. "[i]Ahh... this must be the camp of... that regiment.[/i]" The old, hoarse voice said. The figure was an old man whose hair on his head and face were a grayish white. He wore black robes with a few trinkets attached to it. "[i]Very diverse. Just as they said.[/i]" However, his voice then became grim. "[i]But are you sure you want to stay in this group?[/i]" He asked everyone present. "[i]He has a black streak in his hair. A sign of bad omen at best and an indicator of corruption at worst.[/i]" He explained, likely referring to Jarde. "[i]At least, according to the legends of The Concilium.[/i]"