[hider=Alric Von Graaf][b]Name:[/b] Alric Von Graaf, "The Master of Light and Darkness" (Though his detractors call him "The Master of Mirrors", or "The Man of Glass" as insults) [b]Age:[/b] 40 [b]Gender:[/b]Male [b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img]https://www.destructoid.com//ul/336403-ancestor.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Distant to strangers, prone to fits of arrogance, and often described as strange even by friends, Alric is a product of a lifetime defined by his meteoric rise to public fame in his youth followed by his equally fast fall from grace years later after his career as a magician was revealed to be nothing but an elaborately made fraud. He fears what others think of him before they know him, and thus likes to keep his distance. His arrogance hides a broken ego that he's desperately tried to mend over the years with the pursuit of his goal. [b]Goal:[/b] To become a Sorcerer, an actual Magician with the power to do what he wishes and not merely an Illusionist and Antiquarian Collector of the Occult. Skills: 2 - Stage Magic 1 - Speechcraft Inventory: Several potent miniaturized smoke-bombs, his tailor-made coat designed to hide a panoply of sleight-of-hand tricks, an assortment of parlour trick coins, cards, and other accouterments, and a handbag with a small grooming kit for his hair, beard, and moustache as well as some light touch-up makeup.[/hider] For your review.