[quote=@The 42nd Gecko] [hider=Veitaru] [h3][color=BE31F7][center]Veitaru[/center][/color][/h3] .::[color=BE31F7]π”Έπ•˜π•–[/color]::. 10 .::[color=BE31F7]ℝ𝕒𝕔𝕖[/color]::. Gerudo .::[color=BE31F7]π”Ύπ•–π•Ÿπ••π•–π•£[/color]::. Female .::[color=BE31F7]π”Έπ•‘π•‘π•–π•’π•£π•’π•Ÿπ•”π•–[/color]::. Vei is obviously not a Hylian, possessing the round ears, prominent nose, brown skin, amber eyes, and red hair of a Gerudo. Said hair is kept in a high positioned ponytail, barely reaching past her shoulders. She has bangs swept to each side of her face in front, not all of her hair gathered into said ponytail. However, her clothes can make her pass for a Hylain, given the fact that few would be low enough to see her face when she raises the hood of her black cloak, given that she is some 4'1". Underneath the cloak, she is wearing tight dark blue clothes, a wrapped bodysuit. Silent, nonrestrictive. When she wishes to pass unnoticed, she wears the cloak, when she wishes to pass unsensed, she takes it off. .::[color=BE31F7]π•‹π•™π•–π•žπ•– π•Šπ• π•Ÿπ•˜[/color]::. [hider=Main Theme][youtube]-[/youtube][/hider] .::[color=BE31F7]β„™π•–π•£π•€π• π•Ÿπ•’π•π•šπ•₯π•ͺ[/color]::. In five words: Vengeance, Honorable, Sarcastic, Klepto, Daredevil. Vengeance: [color=BE31F7]"Eye for an eye? I'm taking the whole head!"[/color] Veitaru was a troublesome child, in more ways than just stealing. She's one to nurse a grudge and bring about "justice". Honorable: [color=BE31F7]"You try being mean with that dissappointed grandpa face looking at you."[/color] Veitaru would LOVE to go around stealing everything, just to prove she can. But her Dad would catch her, and Jaege would be SO dissapointed. In other words, they've rubbed off on her, and their expectations of her to be a good person have impacted her. Sarcastic: [color=BE31F7][i]"Gee, never heard that one before."[/i][/color] Veitaru can and will sass off to anyone, even goddess sent messenger fairies. Kelpto: [color=BE31F7]"Missing this?"[/color] Veitaru takes after her blood well, and the thrill of the hunt and skill elates her spirit. Daredevil: [color=BE31F7]"I'll jump from a building, dodge through heavy machinery, and steal from a stalfos. But don't make me wait in the dark alone."[/color] Veitaru's primary weakness as a sneaky thief is her headstrong, energetic, flashy attitude for getting things done in a risky manner. A perfect theft is BORING. Waiting and patience she is not great at. And her fearlessness has a notable absence in the realm of the dark. .::[color=BE31F7]π”Ήπ•’π•”π•œπ•€π•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. Vei is an orphaned Gerudo Child, who was born in Hyrule proper. Her mother was prevented from returning to Gerudo Fortress when a particularly harsh winter set in. Being too pregnant to attempt a dangerous crossing, the mother gave birth in Hyrule. Her died before taking the girl to Gerudo Fortress, and thus the girl grew up in Kakariko, receiving only a name and her bloodline from her mother. Upon being old enough to toddle, she lived up to that bloodline and had the habit of stealing everything. At first, her attempts were cute, but as she got older she actually started getting good enough at it that, combined with the fact no like Gerudo, she nearly got kicked out of the orphanage several times while still rather young. She frequently ran away, supporting herself as a petty thief, though never for long. One time, Vei had the good/bad fortune of trying to steal from, Ilam, one of the remaining Sheikah. That wasn't going to work. However, the child made a good enough shot at it that the Sheikah, being more politically minded than most, thought about the potential of raising the Gerudo child to be an infiltrator against her kin. And the fact that his own wife had been from the same orphanage so many years prior made him sympathetic. Ilam, being far more skilled than the child, was likely the only one properly capable of raising the child, and did a fairly good job of it, the child now having morals (With the help of Jaege and Momma as well). She'll still steal everything just to see if she can, but she'll give it back afterwards, because she wouldn't want to disappoint the man she now considers her Father. However, when the darkness crept into the land, Ilam was one of the first to attempt to stop it. No more was heard of him. Vei was left in the care of Mom and Jaege. However, when the whispers grew in the night, and told her to come to the graveyard, she came, to find Ilam. .::[color=BE31F7]π•Šπ•œπ•šπ•π•π•€/π•‹π•’π•π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕀[/color]::. [list] [*] Sneaking(SS) (9) [list][*] [color=BE31F7]"Betcha can't see me now!"[/color] [color=4DE474]"I can hear you though."[/color] [color=BE31F7]"..."[/color] Vei is a thief, first and foremost.[/list] [*] Evading (FS) (8) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"Slippery like wet butter she is!"[/color] This also makes her hard to catch. While she might not have any winning moves in a wrestle with Gruncle Jaege, she did remain difficult to pin down for a ten year old.[/list] [*] Sleight of Hand (SS) (8) [list][*] [color=BE31F7]"And is THIS your wallet?"[/color] Did I mention Vei was sneaky? Well, she's got quite the array of "magic" tricks.[/list] [*] Parkour (SS) (7) [list][*] [color=4DE474]"Vei, get down from there! Is dangerous."[/color] [color=BE31F7]"Ppfffbt."[/color] Did I mention Vei was hard to catch? She's not just tricky up close, but is built like a gymnast. [/list] [*] Eye for Danger (SS) (7) [list][*] [color=BE31F7]"Huuh, interesting.."[/color] Vei's honed a careful eye for easy marks, shiny things, and danger. That doesn't mean she avoids it, oddly. [/list] [*] Throwing (FS) (5) [list][*] [color=BE31F7]"Catch."[/color] Vei practiced throwing stones as a child, and her caretaker gave her training in Deku Nuts and similar objects. If it's a small, thrown object, she's probably pretty accurate with it. This is not lobbing a bomb or boomerang though, too big. [/list] [*] Cloak and Dagger (FS) (4) [list][*] [color=BE31F7]"Pointy end goes into the other man, right?"[/color] Vei was beginning to be trusted with and trained in the use of a light dagger. [/list] [/list] Note: Due to upbringing in Kakariko, does not have normal Gerudo traits of desert expertise. .::[color=BE31F7]𝔾𝕠𝕒𝕝𝕀[/color]::. Veitaru, find Ilam, or if her fears are true, avenge him. .::[color=BE31F7]π•€π•Ÿπ•§π•–π•Ÿπ•₯𝕠𝕣π•ͺ[/color]::. [list] [*] 5 Deku Nuts [*] Leather water skin [*] Dagger [*] Bread [*] Cheese [/list] .::[color=BE31F7]π•Žπ•’π•π•π•–π•₯[/color]::. Greens(1): 8 Blues(5): 1 Total: 13 [/hider] Gonna repick my theme for Veitaru, now that she's had some of the EDGE filed off, but let's get some posts going so the whole shebang ain't waiting for me. [/quote] [img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/starcraft/images/9/97/SC2_Portrait_Overwatch_Reaper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20151113020736[/img] "What do you even know about the edge?"