[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPglvthU3jA]So here's a thing I guess.[/url] [hider=Saber of Red] [list][*]Name: Mordred [*]Class: Saber [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1269388][i]Born with a king's heart, but fate fooled me...[/i][/url] [*]Abilities: [list][*]Strength: B+ [*]Endurance: A [*]Agility: B [*]Mana: B [*]Luck: D [*]Noble Phantasm: A [*]Magic Resistance: B [*]Riding: B [*]Instinct: B [*]Prana Burst: A [*]Battle Continuation: B [*]Charisma: C-[/list] [*]Noble Phantasms:[list][*][i][url=http://i.imgur.com/oZ97aW7.png]Secret of Pedigree:[/url] Helm of Hidden Infidelity:[/i] Mordred's helmet, which serves to hide certain aspects of her identity. Functionally, this means information regarding her true identity, innate skills and Noble Phantasms are hidden even from her Master, although her stats and class skills are still accessable. These parameters remain hidden until she removes the helmet from her armour, leading to the odd circumstance where she can be running around in casual wear with her face revealed whilst still technically having this Noble Phantasm activated, as she specifically needs to remove it from her armour. (Anti-Unit C) [*][i][url=http://i.imgur.com/8Tl2mDd.jpg]Clarent Blood Arthur:[/url] Rebellion Against My Beautiful Father:[/i] Mordred's sword, with which she inflicted mortal wounds upon her father, King Arthur. Whilst Secret of Pedigree is activated, she can only use it as a Rank C Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm, but once she removes the helmet and reveals her identity she can access its full power. Focusing her hate and anger into a surging, demonic flash of light, with a slash she unleashes a powerful crimson wave of destruction not entirely unlike her father's Excalibur.(Anti-Army A+)[/list] [*]Personality: Initially, Mordred comes off as rather cocky, brash and arrogant, with a love of battle. She recklessly charges in to face any foe, wishing to prove her strength beyond any doubt. However... Her need to prove her strength and worth runs far deeper than simple bravado. Despite her outward appearance, Mordred is a lot more insecure than she lets off, and to put it lightly has a [i]lot[/i] of issues bottled up within her slight body. She is quick to anger and slow to calm, especially if she feels like she is being disregarded or belittled. Her relationship with her "father", Arturia, is... Complicated, and she is filled with a conflicted mixture of respect and hatred for the King of Knights. Her inability to come to terms with this conflict, coupled with her upbringing, often leaves her questioning just who she really is. Possibly connected to this, she gets rather angry if anyone calls her a girl... Or for that matter, a boy. Really, it's probably just safest to refer to her as "Saber". [*]Other: This Mordred has been taken immediately after her death at Camlann. As such, she's probably a little less well-adjusted than what people are used to.[/list] [/hider]