[@PKMNB0Y] Sorry if its a tad... 'eh' and 'meh' [hider=Servant Berserker] [hr] [img]http://i46.tinypic.com/x3fewx.jpg[/img] [hr] [b]Name:[/b] Shuten-Doji, Demon 'Chief' of Mount Ooe [b]Class:[/b] Berserker [hr] [b]Abilities:[/b] [hider=Parameters] STR: A(+)(+) END: A(+) AGI: B(+) MAG: C(+) LUCK: D NP: B[/hider] [hider=Class Skills] Mad Enhancement (E): This skill raises the basic parameters in exchange for hindering mental capacities and in some cases seal away Personal Skills. In the case of Shuten-Doji, it does fairly little to her impressive form besides giving her personality a slightly sadistic taste of humor. However, should she fall to her nature as a true demon, her Mad Enhancement is raised up to EX. In this state, she is still capable of speech and thought, but her sense of empathy and morality are simply gone. In its place, she is a much more bloodthirsty for battle and slaughter. Embracing her true nature causes her to gain an enormous boost in parameters but cannot reverse to her original state. [/hider] [hider=Personal Skill] Demon Kind - Oni (A+): A skill which summarizes Shuten-douji's relation to becoming a true demon, born from her legend as an oni that has solidified her being this fearsome creature. Not born as a demon but she is the closest individual from becoming a human to a True Demon before she was stopped before the finishing line. While may be a good thing, it will present challenges to her master in taming such a free and wild spirit that is close to becoming the definition of 'chaos'. This Skill is a mixture with Monstrous Strength, Charisma, and Mana Burst that describes her natural abilities and powers as a demon. From this nature, she must constantly restrain her Inversion Impulses or risk going out of control against her master. Should she ever fall to her demonic nature, she will progress into a True Demon, reverting back into the legendary oni chief in legend. Resulting in the advancement of her Mad Enhancement and change her from an Anti-Heroic Spirit into a True Demon to be feared once its finished. [indent] Monstrous Strength (A): An ability possessed by those who are monster-kind and beasts as part of their physiology which gives them a boost to their Strength parameter for a limited amount of time depending on the rank. Her rank shows her position of being the strongest monster in the land of Japan along with being the strongest of the triumvirate with Tamamo-No-Mae and Emperor Sutoku. Possesses a naturally high rank in this skill which makes her a fearsome servant of impressive strength. Mana Burst - Flames (A): The ability to increase one's performance by expending Magical Energy to do so, such uses may involve infusing the weapons and body of the user and releasing it instantly. In Berserker's case, her nature as an Oni causes her magical energy to have the flame attribute imbued into it. [/indent] Drunken Fun (B+): Beserker is a legendary drinker, with the ability to handle rounds and rounds of alcohol with no problem. Trying to drink against her will only cause a long and rough battle that will surely be won by Beserker. Her drinking prowess comes with the added benefit to use her intoxicated state to become an advantage for herself. It only gets better with the more drunken and tipsy she causes herself to be, her speed and strength increase in accordance. It is the style of a Drunken Master which utilizes the unusual body movement to make a interesting battle to say the least. However, there is also the added risk of her having a weaker resolve to resist the temptation of her demonic side. Battle Continuation (A): The strength of willpower to continue on despite injuries afflict at the moment. Also is related to the possibility of withdrawing from combat and reaching allied territory alive after being defeated. Beserker's current rank in this skill allows her to fight despite the deadly injuries afflicted on her even if they are fatal. A true testament to her ever fighting nature is even after being decapitated, Beserker's head continued to attack her killer which is a feat allowing her this high rank. [/hider] [hr] [b]Noble Phantasms:[/b] [hider=The Oni's Gourd - The Replenishing Drinking Vessel] The Oni’s Gourd – The Replenishing Drinking Vessel (Support, D): The gourd that Shuten-Doji carries around along with using it as a flail attached to a chain in combat as well. It is a container that is filled with liquor that can be changed if desired and refilled once taken a drink from. At its most potent form, any servant with an E-rank in their Endurance Stat will likely pass out if taking a serving from this alcohol that the gourd serves. While initially appearing like a weak Noble Phantasm, it itself is supernaturally resilient and can serve as an uncanny weapon that may be difficult to predict, along with the alcohol within it serving as an excellent fuel for fire based abilities, and drunkenness that makes Shuten-Doji stronger. That is also not mentioning the walking punch bowl at the party that's refillable... [/hider] [hider=Armor of the Oni - The Manifested Self] Armor of the Oni - The Manifested Self (Anti-Unit, C): A set of gauntlets and masks that once was the costume that help in the transformation of Shuten-Doji turn into a oni. It could only be removed once her transformation was complete, but kept it as a keepsake. Improving her costume to resemble herself as she grew in power, plating it and changing its mask to become more intimidating like herself. As a Noble Phantasm, her armor can be manifested to attack or defend along with her which applies the same amount of strength that Beserker is able to use. It original form can be manifested as a costume as well to bestow the strength of a demon, giving a (+) modifier to their physical parameters. If given to a human, they receive E-rank in those physical parameters for the duration that they wear it. [/hider] [hider=Mount Ooe - The Great Home of Evil Spirits] Mount Ooe - The Great Home of Evil Spirits [s](Anti-Army, A+)[/s] (Anti-Unit, B): The embodiment of Shuten-Doji which represents her lair where the monsters who came into her army during her reign as a leader stayed. Coming with uncanny ability to cause all Phantasmal Beasts weaker than her to cower by her mere presence, beasts on a similar level and higher while may not be affected will hold a degree of respect for her reputation at least. This allows her to recruit those that she wants into army and place them within this Noble Phantasm which she can summon them later from. The Noble Phantasm itself is a Reality Marble ingrained within her legend which she can command by her will. However, due to her lack of skill and aptitude with magecraft, simply limits the true potential of materializing this Noble Phantasm into the world. Thus preventing her from using its true power of "commanding an unstoppable horde of monsters". With her current limitations, she can only call upon three or less beasts that she has recruited from this Noble Phantasm at any given time.[/hider] [hr] [b]Personality:[/b] Shuten-Douji has no opinions about the Holy Grail war that she has been summoned to, having an opportunity to spring around the battlefield once more. If given the opportunity, she would live like just in her past with her drinking and dancing to her heart's content. Although if not possible, then perhaps sharing a drink with her master every once in a while would suffice... Being a vigorous and inquisitive character who would be shocking to know that she is the famous oni chief in legend. She at times can be a hot-headed and rebellious spirit against her master, should they have a weak will then it should obvious that she as the stronger one out of the two will lead. However, should her master be a stubborn one, then a tense and defiant air come from her unless they impress her enough to see what they would do. While she isn't against hearing a good idea, any stupid ones will be vetoed by her unless it's actually stupid enough to work. Having little objection to seeing if a fun plan can actually work provided that it doesn't crumble on top of them. Should her master be threatened, however, she has a reputation that needs to be defended and would love to prove it against her master's accusor. [b]Other:[/b] Maybe an alliance with Tamano no Mae? They are demon associates (probably...) [/hider] [s]Don't flame me too hard >.< Just ya know... poke me into the right direction~[/s] Just lay it on me >.>