[hider=Riley Alexander Revels][center] [h1][color=#00FFFF]Riley Alexander Revels[/color][/h1] [hr] [hider][img]http://41.media.tumblr.com/8cdc0798dd31cec7534caa7b9952558d/tumblr_n9yn9kajkh1tz7n17o1_500.jpg[/img][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B7gkxZwCUAAt5_I.jpg[/img][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/26154a22a80a405a2345fa700b60ccdf/tumblr_inline_n0e2c8tqjN1sx0bra.gif[/img][/hider] [hr] [i]School is supposed to be a place where you learn to be who you -want- to be the rest of your life, not where you learn who to talk to at the next party.[/i] [hr] [h3][b]A Little About Me[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#00FFFF]|| NAME ||[/color] [indent]Riley Revels, Riles or Revely is what I'm usually called, all depends on who I'm talking to.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| GENDER ||[/color] [indent]Er... Male.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| AGE ||[/color] [indent]15[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| GRADE ||[/color] [indent]Tenth[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] [indent]Unsure, he's recently had feelings for both sexes.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] [indent]No relationship currently.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color] [indent]Uh, well my friends would say I look goofy or stupid but I don't think it's that bad. One thing is that I always have my guitar with me, and usually a folder of my music, but I guess you need my actual looks. Um, I mean I'm not all that tall but I got a naturally tanned skin tone thanks to my mom, and wavy easily styled hair which is fickle, sometimes it's blonde and other times it more of a light brown and then sometimes they mix. It's weird, anyway other than that I guess I look normal? I've been called cute a few times and adorable a few other times so?[/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]Let's Dig a Little Deeper[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#00FFFF]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent]Extraverted, Intuitive, Loyal, Goofy, Playful, Honest.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color] [indent]Wow, you guys need a lot. Well for one I'm a guy that likes having friends, but not like a thousand friends a really good trustworthy group of friends that I could talk to. And within that group of friends one or two who I could tell my deepest darkest secrets to and they wouldn't care at all. I'm an artist, but mainly through my music so you'll see me with my guitar and folder quite a bit. I was raised in a wealthy family but my parents were never around, ever. I guess I have a bit of hatred and pain towards them but I love my nanny, she raised me and she's pretty awesome. I guess just realness is my best trait and my main personality focus, I just want to be me and to have people around who likes me for that.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] [indent]*Never takes anyone to his House. *Avoids conversations about parents, and the PTA. *Won't eat Chinese or Japanese Food. *Has a phobia of Bee's, and of water. (Pools, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.) [/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] [indent]*Music *Football *Theater *Dancing *Playing Video Games [/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color] [indent]+ All Music, Doing Musicals, Playing Football, hanging out with friends, Meeting new people. - Text talk, being -forced- to sing like a trained animal, waking up, teachers, math!, jerks, fake people.[/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]So... About your Family[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#00FFFF]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] [indent]I don't really like talking about my family, I only have two parental units and my nann- Housekeeper. Better I don't talk about it.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]My Home? Heh, well it's a four story mansion property that has like eight rooms and 5 bathrooms. It's huge, and it's only me and my Housekeeper that live in it since parental units A and B are gone 24/7 sometimes for months. It's whatever.[/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]Heh, yea right. I wish. [/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]So, what's your story?[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#00FFFF]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] [indent][i]I grew up the rich kid that had everything, my parents are partners at a Law Firm and they hit it big when they won a large fraud case for a Defendant, embarrassing the local District Attorney and making a name for themselves. For me that just meant more time away from them and getting raised by my 'nanny', Felicia who ensured that I was on the straight and narrow (which I'm eternally grateful for) and trying her best to make a bad situation good. I guess I flourished under her parenting and while we never hurt for money I tried my best to be cool about it, never flaunting it or even mentioning it really. When I was in sixth grade I found that I really enjoyed singing and joined chorus where it seemed I was 'discovered' so to speak, apparently I had an amazing voice and after a few lessons I took to the piano, and guitar with natural ease. That was all she wrote as every waking moment was spent playing and singing. This continued until last year when I reached puberty and the voice change began destroying me and my music. I spent all of ninth grade instead writing songs and focusing on my schoolwork. I also began arranging my own instrumentals with the help of the School's band instructor and took to it just as fast as the instruments. My goal is to slowly regain my sound and with high grades go to Julliard, or Berkeley School of Music. I guess I'm pretty different from most of the 'music clique' since I really enjoy sports, and played on the football team all through Middle School and was already accepted as Wide Receiver for the Junior Varsity team! Training started a month before school. I'm pretty excited to get my Tenth grade year on with, since I made varsity this year, and my voice is slowly coming back![/i][/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuzchXl9EpQ] Knock the Dominoes - Scott and Brendo[/url] [sub]"[i]Now Drop it, we can top it, hands up I'm dropping the jaw, watch it. Gonna Knock the Dominoes[/i]."[/sub][/indent] [color=#00FFFF]|| OTHER ||[/color] [indent]Can I join the School Now, or do you need to do a cavity search to?[/indent] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Riley's Relations][color=#6495ED][h3]|| [color=#008000]Landon Miland[/color] || [/h3][/color] [i]"Quarterback, playmaker, what doesn't this kid do?"[/i] Landon is my teammate, he's the one that makes me look good on the field by throwing it right into my arms as I book it down the sidelines. But where I play one sport, that kid plays like four. It's crazy, I never really talk to him much but I suppose he's a cool guy. I heard he is actually from France and holds a dual citizen-ship, he still even has a bit of the accent! At least that's one class he doesn't have to worry about. He seems to have a lot hidden though about his true feelings, sort of like playing a role that he feels will let him coast. I know one thing, the stress he's under all the time would kill me. [color=#FF0000][h3] || Bruno Žurančić || [/h3][/color] "[i]Has to be hard living in a country where you weren't raised, but the two Žurančić brothers do it well[/i]." Bruno is a pretty cool guy, he tends to leave me alone and I leave him alone since we tend to different circles of friends. He's popular and dresses to impress. Can't honestly say anything negative about him, since he's never done anything to me. I do wonder how people like the two brothers, and Landon handle being in a different country for school though. Oh! When he gets mad he starts swearing in Croatian which is really cool. [color=#FF0000][h3] || Dominik Žurančić || [/h3][/color] "[i]A bookworm who prefers to stay in the shadows. Very Different from Bruno[/i]." The twin brother to Bruno and the two couldn't be anymore different from one another. I mean Dominik is someone I could see myself friends with if he ever left the dark recesses of the corners where he reads or writes for his roleplaying sessions. I don't bother him though, and like his brother he doesn't bother me so live and let live I suppose. He does sort of creep me out to as he prefers to speak his native language instead of English. I guess he doesn't like it here, oh well. [color=#1E90FF][h3] || "Toby" Ishmael Broflovski || [/h3][/color] "[i]The new kid seems to be rather small, and young[/i]." Don't really got much to say about him, haven't met him yet but he looks nice enough. I wonder if he skipped a few grades, we got another girl who did that but Toby looks like a sixth grader. [color=#87CEFA][h3] || Harley Jade Knowles || [/h3][/color] "[i]Ah Harley, as wild as the motorcycle itself[/i]." Harley is a beast, and by that I mean that she is so totally her own person that it makes me smile. We're really good friends, and she's sort of like a sister to me but really she's the kind of person I'd love to have ten of, not afraid to speak her mind or tell you something you don't want to hear. She's real, that's for sure and I love her truly." [color=#FFB6C1][h3] || Maria Joy Costello || [/h3][/color] "[i]Oh man, Maria? Yea she's pretty freaking amazing[/i]." Her Music is insane and besides that she's got a great personality. I've always wanted to ask her if she wanted to collab on something but I'm a little to nervous, especially with her Brother sort of hanging around like a bodyguard. She has a good voice and plays a lot of instruments, definitely someone I've had my eye on. *blushes* [color=#90EE90][h3] || Marco Jonas Costello || [/h3][/color] "[i]Ah yes, Maria's Secret Service handler[/i]." Marco as a rule is someone I tend to avoid, since I sort of have a crush on his sister. He's -always- around her and makes his presence known to most people that hand around her that he will defend her at all times. With my jokester personality I'm sure he had me on a list of 'do not allow near'. But It's going to be a long year and anything can happen.[/hider] [hr] [hider=Landon Jeremy Miland][center] [h1][color=#008000]Landon Jeremy Miland[/color][/h1] [hr] [img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BMTQ2MDI0MTA0OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjk5NzAyNzE@._V1_.jpg[/img] [hr] [i]You try to be a loyal friend, you try to be a perfect student, you try to be a championship winning athlete, and you try to be an amazing Youth Member. It's really hard to do all of that. And that was just middle school...[/i] [hr] [h3][b]So, what do you need to know?[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#008000]|| NAME ||[/color] [indent]Landon is my name, I don't like nicknames and if you call me Frenchie I will knock you the hell out. Seriously.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| GENDER ||[/color] [indent]Really? I'm a guy last time I checked in the bathroom.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| AGE ||[/color] [indent]15[/indent] [color=#008000]|| GRADE ||[/color] [indent]Tenth.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| SEXUALITY ||[/color] [indent]I really have no idea, but I'm hesitantly open to exploring?[/indent] [color=#008000]|| RELATIONSHIP STATUS ||[/color] [indent]No one quite yet. Middle School relationships didn't last very long and my freshman year was spent doing everything else.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| MORE IN-DEPTH APPEARANCE ||[/color] [indent]They say I have a 'boyish' look, to that I say I'm only 15 so how can you really call anyone my age anything but having a boyish look? Whatever, I'm French and I got their complexion it seems. My dad cursing me with the blasted dimples and freckled nose and cheeks. My smile seems to make people smile back and I've been called a charming young man more times than I can count. I enjoy wearing the latest fashions which helps I suppose. I have a pretty light skin tone but it can tan believe it or not. I have brown curly hair that seems to style itself really. Though most people seem to think my Bright Sapphire Eyes are my most striking feature. [/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]Oh, the Personal Stuff Huh?[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#008000]|| PERSONALITY TRAITS ||[/color] [indent]Dedicated, Extraverted, social butterfly, very loyal, driven.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| PERSONALITY ||[/color] [indent]Well, I'm a sports guy so I work really well with a team. Actually I'm getting to the point where if I don't have my teammates around me I'm pretty shy and afraid of doing anything different. I'm a good guy, preppy I guess and I like to look my best. I have big aspirations, and I guess I got to find out just where I belong. I know I can't do everything so I'm trying to find myself. I can be cruel at times, especially if other kids are doing the same but I'm trying to be a leader and not a follower but I'm struggling a little since I don't want to lose any of my teammates. I got a lot of strings pulling me and I'm still getting over my parents death, and helping my family... I guess even the kids that look like they got everything still need a ton of help.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| QUIRKS ||[/color] [indent]*Can't stand rap music *Has Asthma *Is allergic to quite a good many foods. (Peanuts, Soy, Banana's, Mango's, Cherries, Strawberries.) *Is terrified of heights but can be persuaded through peer pressure to suffer through. [/indent] [color=#008000]|| HOBBIES ||[/color] [indent]*Sports: Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Track, Football. *Hanging out with friends. *Watching Movies *Helping Friends *Playing Video Games [/indent] [color=#008000]|| LIKES & DISLIKES ||[/color] [indent]+ Talking to people, giving advice, playing sports, being a shoulder for someone to cry on. - Asthma, Breaking Down, memories of his parents, peer pressure, being allergic to so much.[/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]What's your family like?[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#008000]|| FAMILY MEMBERS ||[/color] [indent]My Mom and Dad died back in France when I was 5. My Aunt and Uncle took me and my brothers in. My Aunts name is Claire and my Uncles is Wyatt. My Brothers are Astor who is 12, and Corbin who is 11. [hider=Astor][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CPExURaUwAEAN_v.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Corbin][img]http://de.web.img1.acsta.net/pictures/16/07/29/12/44/116889.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Aunt][img]http://img.wennermedia.com/480-width/1421856362_lauren-graham-zoom.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Uncle][img]http://esquireuk.cdnds.net/16/16/1461083146-michiel-huisman-burberry-esquire-may-2016.jpg[/img][/hider][/indent] [color=#008000]|| HOUSE DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]We live in a pretty big House actually, my Aunt is a Doctor and my Uncle runs a large business with his dad. We got exactly enough rooms so everyone could have their own but Astor and Corbin preferred staying together so we got one extra. I made them share a bathroom to so I got one all to myself. It has peach paint though, so that has to go. Fast.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| CAR DESCRIPTION ||[/color] [indent]Uncle Wyatt said I could drive the Mustang if I helped him fix it. We'll see.[/indent] [hr] [center][h3][b]Where do you come from?[/b][/h3][/center] [color=#008000]|| BIOGRAPHY ||[/color] [indent]Me and my brothers were born in Paris, France. It was awesome having brothers so close to me in age and we did just about everything together. Growing up in Paris was just as awesome and my parents who were both designers knew a LOT of people so it was easy to get into private parties and stuff. I remember they took me once to the Eiffel Tower, all the way up to the top. It was pretty cool, we were happy until the accident. I don't like talking about it and sometimes I still break down and cry, we all do and it was nine years ago. One day the Police came to the door and our housekeeper started crying. I knew something was wrong but didn't know what and the next thing we know we were on a plane to America and to our Aunt Claire. I always liked her but when she told us our parents were dead I lost it and wanted to kill her... I don't know I just lost control and it took weeks to calm me down fully. I had a lot of issues growing up, I wet the bed a lot and had nightmares a lot, still do actually. I try to stay away from sleepovers with my teammates but lately it's been getting harder to resist, they sounded so fun. Anyway, I grew to love sports. It was a place where I could just push myself to the limit, and I excelled as just about all of them. I play Quarterback for the Varsity Football team, JV last year, play forward in soccer, playmaker in basketball, shortstop in baseball, and generally run the longest sprints in track. I'm pretty fit for my age but I don't look like it, I'm pretty thin but I'm getting more and more wiry and toned.[/indent] [color=#008000]|| THEME SONG ||[/color] [indent][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfxrrjaL3-M] Lean on Me - J2[Feat. Sizzy Rocket][/url] [sub]"[i]You just call on me brother, when you need a hand We all need somebody to lean on I just might have a problem that you'll understand We all need somebody to lean on[/i]."[/sub][/indent] [color=#008000]|| OTHER ||[/color] [indent]Well, you got quite a bit of information. This isn't public right?[/indent] [hr] [/hider] [hider=Landon's Relations][color=#6495ED][h3]|| Riley Revels || [/h3][/color] [i]"Class Clown, great singer, and one hell of a Receiver."[/i] Riley is my go-to receiver on the football team so far, he has great feet and understands the routes better than the other receivers. Other than that he always can make me laugh doing one of his stupid routines, and if you catch him singing like I did in Middle School you can hardly believe he could have such a good voice. Someone said it only took him like 6 months to learn the guitar AND piano. That's insane, I made sure I went to any of the school productions he was in, I find him to be quite cute to. He was one of my first crushes, though I don't think we'd work out truly. [color=#FF0000][h3]|| Bruno Žurančić || [/h3][/color] [i]"It's nice to know I'm not the only foreign student here."[/i] Bruno, well what can I say the man is quite a good Soccer Player. Playing forward me and him have to work together quite a bit and he could easily be a College Soccer star and even beyond. Off the turf he's a pretty cool person also, reminds me a bit of myself actually trying to decide what to truly do and what others think about him behind the smiles and laughs. Definitely someone I could see being friends with. [color=#FF0000][h3]|| Dominik Žurančić || [/h3][/color] [i]"Bruno's 'lttle' brother."[/i] Man the twins who seem to exist in opposite directions of the world. Some twins do everything together but Bruno and Dominik seem to have this agreement to just do their own thing instead of pick one thing together. All I really known about the kid is that he spends a lot of time online on Steam or roleplaying. I only play on Steam every so often but I constantly get notifications on what game he's playing since I did ask him once for his info. [color=#1E90FF][h3] || "Toby" Ishmael Broflovski || [/h3][/color] "[i]Who is that[/i]?" Can't say I've ever heard of him, not that I wouldn't mind but I mean is he new? [color=#87CEFA][h3] || Harley Jade Knowles || [/h3][/color] "[i]The firecracker[/i]" Harley Jade, man I don't really talk to her or the people she is seen around but I know from talking to others that she is one of those that forges their own trail and if you get in the way man you're in for some pain so buckle up cupcake or get beat down. I respect her, but I don't know if we'd get along very well. [color=#FFB6C1][h3] || Maria Joy Costello || [/h3][/color] "[i]Maria? Oh yea! The ginger girl with all the freckles[/i]." Me and her don't really frequent the same circles or anything so I don't talk to her a lot. I seem to have a crush on her brother though it was only recent so I'm not really sure anymore. I know she's very nice and like to talk to everyone, I get that since I do as well so I guess she's a great person. I could see myself having a long conversation with her at some point. Who knows, maybe I can add her to my list of friends. [color=#90EE90][h3] || Marco Jonas Costello || [/h3][/color] "[i]Yea... Him, god this is embarrassing[/i]." Marco... Damn, you guys are jerks you know that. Alright, here we go Marco was my first crush back in seventh grade. I know, that's young but It's true and it lasted all the way until the middle of Eighth grade. I went to all the soccer games just to watch him, that's creepy I know but I mean I was fucking twelve ok, jeez. Nothing ever happened and I only tried to approach him once which was terrible... I actually almost spilled juice all over him, luckily I'm fast on my feet. In ninth grade I was over him though he has been working out... [/hider] EST - North Carolina