Luna had spent the last little amount of time gathering up a first aid kit, filling it with what supplies she thought might be useful on the island, finding a bag to put it in, and then shoving her own clothes ontop of it, considering herself ready for the trip onto the island. The thought of being on land after only being on the ship one day was a little disheartening to Luna, but ont he other hand [i]land[/i] after the storms they'd went through, Land was an attractive option. As she watched party members being transfered to the land, she waited for her turn, deciding to go on the last ride over, studying the island from where she was, glancing about them constantly. It really was amazing, being out here. The expanse of water...the little bit of land floating in it, the ship itself...Luna let out a happy sigh. She was more then glad she had come here. Shouldering the bag, climbed into the boat, and couldn't help but laugh as they began towards the island. It had been a long, exciting day, and Luna was, perhaps, a little loopy with it all. Or maybe she was simply...finding herself. That thought perplexed her, and kept her focused, as she sought to figure it out. She knew that this adventure would change her, how could it not, but she hadn't expected it to happen quite so soon. It was just so...freeing to be out here. She hadn't realised that she had felt trapped. [i]father, I remember feeling like this before, on the streets. You do so well by me, I wanted to be the perfect daughter[/i] she thought to herself. Well. For better or worse, she was changing. Couldn't do anything about htat. Didn't want to do anything about it. As they sat around the fire, Luna leaned back, basking in the glow and warmth, letting her thoughts flow, and listening to the others. Constance's rambling, self-absorbition got on her nerves, but Luna decided to merely ignore it, but as she began to berate Ed, she opened her eyes, and glared at the annoying woman, only for a moment, to look around them, having heard the sound herself. Finally, as Constance seemed intent on keeping attention on her, Luna snapped out a quite, [b]"Maybe if you shut the hell up we can hear what it is"[/b] She said, already rising, thinking [i]don't have a heart attack, jeez, you'd think after everything today, she wouldn't be so prissy[/i]. Luna found, for a split second, a moment of pride though in Constance as she stepped forward, but it rapidly died at the further actions of the girl. Shaking her head, Luna stepped forward, shrugging her pack of medical supplies over one shoulder, running a hand through her hair, and starting towards the sound without another word, her stride purposeful and determined. She didn't ask if anyone was coming, she just assumed they would. After all, two women going off, leaving the guys behind? That had to surely sting a few of them into movement.