[@Pineappletumble][@Alisdragon911][@Snarfulblast] Shyly with practised plea-full eyes she looks up to the man a says with a soft stutter. [i][color=goldenrod]"I've lost my straw doll, can you help me make a new one?"[/color][/i] With her soft tone, that gentle quiver in her voice and the deep innocent eyes full of hope and possibilities, the young girl could melt the hearts of monsters, and worst of all she knew it. Childish manipulation aside, behind her was a clear blue setting sky. Mountains rolled out as far as the eye could see and a soft glow emitted from just over the first. The gras was green and yellow, sporadically placed amongst hard reddish yellow dirt. A path was worn in the ground and ran from the girl to that place just over the first hill.