[center][h3][b][code]Current Events[/code][/b][/h3][/center] [Color=gray][b]District[/b][/color][color=silver][b]21[/b] - the district that never sleeps.[/color] [color=gray]DEC 15 2302 / 1800h / Dusk[/color] [color=silver]The district that never sleeps, where the party never has to end. The possibilities are endless for those seeking to lose a few credits and probably not even remember it happening. From the hundreds of casinos to the infamous red light quarter where anything goes for the right price. Outside of the 'zone' as it's known by locals is where the enders begin, crime is high which on occasion floods into the inner zone although the latter is much more heavily policed. Enders are rarely seen in the zone and while not openly refused are discouraged by other means. Word through the grapevine is a popular man has been causing a stir-up recently, having come out of hiding a once renowned bio-engineer gone crook. Primarily a con-artist, who while having other endeavors has built himself quite the reputation. There's no shortage of District21 dweller's or outsiders flocking to the zone with their own bone to pick with 'The Engineer'. Others seek him out for their own motives or hidden agendas.[/color]