Polkos chuckled, returning the bow before examining the girl before him with an amused glance. She was Dasvrochian for sure. Her smooth gait, her dark irises, her brown hair...even the slight lilt he thought he heard in her voice gave her away. Most argued with him about the "Dasvrochian accent", but he felt that the way they strung words together was almost musical in nature, like they wanted to burst into song at any given moment. It was a joy to hear most of the time. The few occasions that he dreaded hearing it was during his time abroad when he became all too familiar with certain unsavory characters that broke off from the main tribes and hired themselves out as sellswords or joined up with bandits to raid villages along the coast. But enough of that. As the assumed servant of his soon to be bride reminded him, he needed to be at the ceremony and quickly. He swiftly made his way down to the main hall, entering from the rear, which naturally hid his appearance due to the high stone facade that served as an elevated platform for his parents respective thrones. A few steps located on both sides allowed for quick entrance and exit of servants and others who waited on royalty. Taking the stairs on the left, he found the two thrones bedecked in the normal dazzling array of jewels, but this time there were two more, one stationed to the right, the other to the left. He had seen two of these ceremonies in the past when both his younger and twin sisters were married off within the span of a year, so he knew that his position would be... "To the right, Polk." His father's booming voice commanded, a small smile on his wide, cherub like face. "Of course, father." His mother entered from a door on the right side of the main hall, smiling and chatting with the growing crowd of nobility that was filtering in before the actual ceremony. "I'm proud of you, son." Igni Manathias proclaimed, sitting on his normal throne, motioning for his son to join him. "And why is that?" "For everything. Your return to us, your willingness to participate in the making of history...and not putting up too much of a fuss." Polk laughed heartily as he responded: "I wouldn't want to be too much of a bother, although you had it too easy with Kyla and Nubi. I needed to be the prodigal one to keep you on your toes." "I wish that hadn't been the case, but alas, the Divines have a purpose for all things, do they not?" More nobility pushed their way onto both sides of the hall, necks craning to catch a glimpse of their future queen. Their present queen took her place next to her father, but not before kissing her son on the forehead and telling him how "wonderful it was" that he would be a "happily married man" in a few short weeks. Polkos shifted uneasily in the hard-backed throne, looking ahead to spot torch light from across the bridge. Mutters of expectation flitted through the crowd as the torches grew closer, their bearers walking ahead to guide the Dasvrochian princess(Maleea, right? Right. That was her name.), who was garbed in the most elaborate attire he had ever seen a Dasvrochian wear. She proceeded with her handmaidens flanking her, one of which Polkos recognized as the girl who had bumped into his door. She was much more composed now, which made her appearance seem just as regal as his future wife. Maleea had her girls trained well, it seemed. After Maleea took her seat next to the Queen, who gave her a loving squeeze of the hand, prompting Igni to stand and proclaim: "This, my fellow citizens, is a moment paramount in all of history. We have desired unity and peace for the entire Continent and have found it sorely lacking...until this day. This would not have been made possible by the gracious Avatar of the Dasvrochian people, the spokesperson for all the tribes. Please, step forward my friend and say a few words." Applause came as a lithe figure emerged from the left, his angular face and tanned skin complimenting his dark eyes and jet black hair. He nodded towards the King before addressing the crowd: "Our tribes have agreed that we must consolidate our Kingdoms to ensure the good of all our people. After much deliberation and discussion, we join our hands with yours in an alliance that will last for an Eternity. May the Divines and the Earth on which we stand be glorified by our harmonious efforts." More applause and cheers whooped through the crowd, Polkos joining in it himself; after all, he had seen the devastation brought on by the all too recent border skirmishes between the two kingdoms. Tensions were running high over scarce resources that the other wanted, but instead of declaring war(like in the past), there would be this alliance. Maybe this marriage would be a worthy sacrifice...it didn't hurt Maleea was quite beautiful. He wanted to see whether or not that beauty was in her heart as well. He knew he would have a chance soon, which was vocalized by King Igni: "Now, my friends, let us assemble in the Banquet hall for feasting, for dancing, for the first peaceful night of all eternity!" People knew the drill. With arranged marriages like this, a feast would be held in honor of the future marriage, but the bride and groom to be would have a chance to interact in the main hall by themselves to get acquainted before they had to make any public appearances together. Once all had vacated(except for the handmaidens...they seemed to always stay behind), Polkos rose and walked to Maleea, taking her hand and gently kissing it before telling her with a chuckle: "Aren't you glad that's all over? we can at least get to talk for a few minutes before we get shoved into the public eye together." He adjusted his tunic before sitting next to her, casually folding a leg over the other. "I honestly don't know what to say..." Another chuckle. "Happy to make your acquaintance? I suppose that'll do." He sighed gently, then smiled genuinely. "You look beautiful, Maleea. Some have described your beauty, but words can only do so much." Flattery should do the trick, right?