Shortly after the android and his creator returned to the labs, Dr. Phillips found Michael seemingly staring at a holographic display of the star system the [i]Vitae[/i] had appeared in. The drop out of hyperspace had gone swimmingly, they were in 'uncharted waters' now. The veteran scientist watched the machine man for a moment, Michael either unaware of the human's presence, or aware but not focused on it. The second option being the truth. "Greetings doctor, ever since we came back here I've been enamored by the ship's location." Michael said with a pleasant smile. A few other scientists milled around the lab, occupied with their own matters. "Yes, it is quite fascinating isn't it? In fact, I've received a request from command asking if you'd like to accompany some other crewmen on a mission off the Vitae to one of the planets in the system," Phillips stated as he adjusted his glasses. Michael blinked at the words, then quickly processed them. A mission off the ship? He'd be leaving the safe confines of the [i]Vitae[/i] in lieu of an uncharted world? Excitement boiled in the curious android's words as he spoke. "I would be delighted to do so. It sounds like a wondrous idea to me." "I am glad you feel that way, Michael. You are very highly thought of on the Vitae, someone of your expertise is just what is needed for a groundbreaking mission of this caliber," Phillips said with a smirk. "I've assembled a compact case of items you might need on the mission. I will not be going on the journey, you are our representative Michael, do us proud." "I will do my best, truthfully I can barely contain my excitement." Michael said with a genuine smile. He was chosen for such a task, and needed to be up to it. He gathered the case his creator had spoken of, bid his farewells, then departed from the laboratory, heading for the hangar where the [i]Nyx[/i] awaited him. [hr] The android strolled through the massive hangar, pausing so that he could properly take in the scope of it. Towards the end were massive blast doors which separated the interior from the frozen darkness of space. Then his artificial eyes gazed at the Reaper-Class Cruiser. Humans were capable of feats of pure ingenuity, the ship was just another example of that. Michael approached the entrance ramp, smiling at the security personal who was clearing people to board onto it. After briefly giving his credentials, he boarded the vessel. As Michael entered the ship, his hand clenched his case of supplies. Inside of it was his repair kit, in case he suffered damage while on mission then he would be able to fix himself. Of course he would need to do it in secrecy. To all on-board, he was a human, and he'd ensure that he kept that lie alive. The android then wondered curiously around the inside of the cruiser, familiarizing himself with it.