[@Gowi] Eh, never particularly been fond of those classifications but probably a bit of both? While she's probably not going be a heavy armor clad soldier, she's certainly going to be the first to vote for going in and punching the bad guy in the face and beating him up herself. So I'm not really sure. I'm not going to say she's a tank because she's not going to be taking that many hits to start with since she doesn't wear particularly heavy armor. That said, she's going to be parrying/countering them most likely - most of her melee attacks are probably going to be built around that concept to start with. So she could definitely occupy an attacker or two for a bit. She's going to be more of a pure offensive character though, that focuses on damage dealing, agility, and counters. Most of her 'stats' are going to be going into attack/magic attack stats probably with some thrown into agility stats with one occasionally thrown into the health stat or two. That said, later on she's definitely likely going to become more tanky with some heavier armor and some self-buffs. Does...any of that make sense? I don't actually play MMOs a lot to be honest, so I'm not particularly into these sort of stat things since most of the time they make zero sense to me. Which is why I'm glad this RP isn't going to be focusing largely on them and one of the reasons I joined it.