[h3][center][b][color=Aquamarine]Pholus[/color][/b][/center][/h3] Pholus looks behind the man and nods his head approvingly. He really hopes that he can figure out this problem so he can stop his curiosity and go back to tinkering with his tools. Then again, he was very tempted to test them out regardless while on his "guard duty. Showing the note that he forged earlier, he tries to see if he can gather any extra information from the newcomer. [color=Aquamarine]"I found a strange note earlier among the maids and now they're busy preparing for something...I know it sounds strange to suspect something was up but they wouldn't accept any help nor was it a normal note. I mean look at it! It's a beast mark...and I'm standing guard here to find out...care to help me out? I'll really appreciate it."[/color] [hider=Peeps in Home Base][@Mercenary5][/hider]