[h3][center][b][color=Aquamarine]Pholus[/color][/b][/center][/h3] [color=aquamarine]"I know...it's just that, it seemed so weird. It was suddenly so rushed and the way the maid reacted when I asked her about it...I don't know. That nagging feeling of wanting to find out is really getting to me. Besides, it's better to be safe than sorry...and sorry for roping you into this. The other knights are for some reason fascinated with the kitchen. If you want to leave and join them, it's alright."[/color] Pholus kinda knew that most people wouldn't be interested in a solving things...especially in a Knight group. They were heroes and warriors, not all are really...fascinated with mystery and logic. So he was lenient on the man and didn't mind letting him go if he so desired. After all, it was him wanting to find out the major cause of what caused that maid to rapidly head off. That and he could claim solving a mystery no matter how small it is, and send a letter about it to show off to his professor. [hider=Peeps in Home Base][@Mercenary5][/hider]