[hider=Eriko] [center] [img]http://safebooru.org//samples/1461/sample_f564adeadcdb8eabf2463409028973a508bfaa3c.jpg?1530340[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Eriko, Hirata. She's not one for formality though, so Eriko will do just fine. [b]Age: [/b] 17 [b]Appearance:[/b] Eriko is about as physically unimpressive as they get. Standing at just five foot four with a small, slender frame, she can come off as rather unassuming sometimes. Typically, she wears plain, comfortable shirts and pants with sneakers. She doesn't particularly care much about fashion or her appearance, and often has a somewhat unkempt look to her. A small smile seems to always be on her face. Otherwise, whilst on the job she is dressed in mostly green, blues, and whites. A rather elaborate corset that covers most of her chest, and that falls to just below her waist. A cape covers her shoulders and upper back, while a small skirt covers the back of her legs. [b]Personality:[/b] Confident, but a bit of a troll and likes messing with people and often does her best to annoy and get on everyones nerves. Clever, crafty, and surprisingly intelligent she doesn't lose her calm that often and has a level head most of the time. That said, she's fairly friendly and likes people, being around them, and generally hanging out around others. She has a penchant for being fashionably late and making flashy entrances, and a flair for the dramatic. Likes to spend her time reading, eating tacos and delicious cheesy nachos. Doesn't like small rodents, but ferrets are adorable. So are spiders. She thinks they're absolutely adorable and wants a giant spider as a pet. [b]Hero Name:[/b] 'The Fabulous Magical Girl, Glimmer Light!' ...I'm terrible with names, mmkay? [b]Abilities:[/b] [u][i]The Shining Arsenal[/i][/u] Eriko has an assortment of weapons at her disposal - which she may materialize whenever she has need of them. Her skill with each varies drastically, but for the most part she does have some skill with them. Each weapon is made of condensed 'light'. She can realistically make almost any weapon that she wants, but at the moment her skill with anything other than her main three is quite limited, so she mostly keeps to them. Aside from this, she has several light based attacks used to confuse, and also attack enemies. [hider=weapons] [u][url=http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag118/DrakeBloodthorn/Gate%20of%20Babylon/GilsSpear_zpse3172fb9.jpg]Glimmer Needle[/url][/u] - A magic spear that is her main armament. She is quite adept at using it in close range combat, though against someone who is purely a close range fighter, she'd probably struggle somewhat against. It is the weapon she is the most adept at using. It's swings are slower and more calculated, but offer greater force behind the blows. [u][url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/b/ba/RW_Anastasia.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20070506172800]Shimmer Blade[/url][/u] - A light, easy to use sword that is designed to perform quick, light strikes with. [u]Heavenward Halberd[/u] - Easily her largest weapon. So large in fact, it's rather comical to the point of her being actually unable to physically use it that well. One swing, and she'll likely be tossed to the ground from the momentum. Often used to make her 'flashy' entrances. And by that, I mean throwing it and saying she meant to destroy whatever it landed on.[/hider] [hider=magical abilities] Gleam Volley: Probably her most used offensive ability next to Needle Shot. A a number of arrow-shaped beams designed to pierce the target are launched. The beams are small, and don't individually do much damage, but dodging all of them could get annoying. Needle Shot: Several short beams of magic shaped like small needles form around Kaori, and are fired at the target. Can be fired semi-rapidly. Second weakest attack, but still packs a bit of a punch. Can also be held onto be fired later, but can only save up to a max of ten at a time. All can be fired at once, after this. Needle Burst: Several orbs of bright magic are launched at the target. Upon impact, they detonate and unleash several Needles in a radius from around the orb. Can be detonated at will, so they don't have to be entirely accurate. Could lay down a mine field as well, though the number of mines she could keep up would depend on her. Too many and she could quickly run out of magic. Shimmer Blast: Probably her strongest normal ranged attack. She uses magic to cause an explosion in an area some distance away from her. A yellow glimmer is seen on the target area, before it violently explodes in a flash of brilliant yellow sparks a few seconds later. Easy enough to dodge, but be careful you don't run into one while dodging something else. It roughly has a radius of several yards away from her. Glimmer Bang: After a period of charging any weapon in the Shining Arsenal with magic, she can use it to cause the area in front of the weapon to explode with magic energy. Takes a minute or two to charge a shot. Flicker: A spell that she uses to dodge attacks - gives her a brief, but incredibly powerful speed boost that almost looks like teleportation to the untrained eye. She can use these quite quickly and in rapid succession, though using more than four or five in rapid succession without resting will tire her out quite quickly. Also allows her to levitate a few feet above the ground. Fade: Creates one temporary decoy of herself that lasts for a few moments on the field. It is virtually indistinguishable from the real thing. It can not harm or interact with the world. Spark Flash: A harmless, but blinding flash of light is unleashed, temporarily blinding any who look at the impossibly bright flash. Even allies or herself, so make sure to close your eyes before she uses it. Solar Flare: Possibly her most powerful offensive move, and the most exhaustive and draining. She gathers magic inside of any weapon, unable to move for the duration of the charging - which can take anywhere from a minute to five should she have to also defend herself during the charging. After it is done, she aims the weapon upwards, and strikes downwards towards the enemy. An Enormous pillar of searing light blasts the enemy, completely obliterating anything in its path, often times most likely leaving a large crater in the epicenter. This is a one time use thing. After its been used, she's likely exhausted all of her magic power, and won't be able to use it again, or be much more effective in battle after that. With further training and experience, though, she could probably use more than one in the future should she need too. More to be possibly added later. [/hider] [b]Skills:[/b] -Combat training with most of her weapons. -Makes the best damn tacos and nachos you've ever eaten. Why are they so good? No one knows, but don't try and take any she has or you'll be getting a halberd to the face. -Can't cook anything else to save her life, though. [b]Brief Backstory:[/b] The youngest of three siblings that come from a family with a strong magical heritage, her brother was a bit of a delinquent that never particularly was interested in such things, while her sister took a more serious, if somewhat lackadaisical approach. From a young age, Eriko admired her sister, wanting to be a magical girl and a hero just like Kaori. That said, most of her life until the age of fifteen, was rather normal. There's not much to say here until we get to the day where her sister was fighting some bad guy, and eventually determined to become a magical girl in order to support her sister some day. Since then, she has become a member of the Omamori Foundation, and is working towards that goal. [/hider]