[list][*]Name: Akira Hoshino [*]Age: 16 [*]Appearance: [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=1832961]He's about average heightwise, standing at 5'7".[/url] As Celestial, he wears a black undersuit with a constantly shifting star pattern, as well as a breastplate with white gems arranged to resemble the form's constellation, pauldrons, vambraces (the Compass being incorporated into the right one) and greaves. The colour of these armour pieces changes based on his current form (yellow for Leo, red for Sagittarius and blue for Aquila). In addition, the suit's helmet changes, they each have large green eyes, with Leo's baring a stylised mane design, Aquila's having a feather-like design and Sagittarius's resembling a stylised Corinthian helmet. [*]Personality: Akira is a generally pleasant and cheerful individual with a penchant for terrible puns. He tries to do the right thing, regardless of any risk to himself and has a strong sense of justice. He's generally good at controlling his temper, but threatening or attacking those who can't defend themselves is a good way to get him mad. While he's not completely inflexible, he can be somewhat stubborn once he's set his mind on something. Unfortunately, this means he's unlikely to retreat when fighting a superior opponent and can take a bit to be convinced to follow someone else's plans. He has a massive sweet tooth and is rarely seen without some form of confectionery. [*]Hero Name: Shining Hero Celestial [*]Abilities: Akira carries the Celestial Compass, a golden brace with a large white gem embedded in it. By attaching the Compass to his right wrist and shouting an activation phrase, he can transform into the armoured hero, Celestial. As Celestial, his strength, endurance and speed are enhanced to above-human levels, though the exact levels vary between the forms. Each form has a "Nova" attack which, true to the name, displays far more power than normal. However, these abilities tend to be draining enough that they're generally only used to finish a fight. [list][*]Leo: Akira's "all-rounder" form and the strongest melee fighter of the lot. In this form, he relies heavily on hand-to-hand combat and can create energy claws to power up his attacks. Leo Nova gives Hinata a sudden burst of energy, allowing him to unleash a barrage of empowered claw slashes on a target. [*]Aquila: Aquila is more fragile and not as strong as either of his other forms, but makes up for it with vastly superior mobility. It's faster than his other forms and Hinata can create wing-like structures to allow for limited flight. Aquila Nova increases Hinata's speed for a short time, allowing for a devastating diving kick. [*]Sagittarius: The least mobile and weakest melee fighter, this form makes up for it with rapid fire ranged attacks. Sagittarius carries a bow which creates a fiery projectile when its string is drawn back. Sagittarius Nova requires a short charging period, after which Hinata fires a larger than normal arrow at high speed. This projectile creates a large explosion on impact.[/list] [*]Skills: Akira is a competent fighter and a member of his school's archery club. [*]Brief Backstory: Akira is the only child of an office worker and an archaeologist. His father spent a lot of time travelling, and often returned with stories about ancient civilisations and the artifacts they had left behind. His life was mostly uneventful until roughly a year ago. His father was returning from Greece and Akira was to meet him at the airport. A number of individuals in dark robes set upon them in the terminal, attempting to steal his father's briefcase. During the attack, the briefcase was knocked aside and a strange voice called to Akira, seemingly from within it. Time seemed to slow as he opened it to find the golden brace and put it on. Thanks to the Compass's power, he was able to chase off the strange assailants and protect his father. A few weeks later, he was approached by a representative of the Omamori Foundation and has worked with them since.[/list]