Eyes on the Nem twins, Fanilly's gaze drifted low. While Fanilly and Efienne were not twins, the pair put her in mind of her younger sister. She hadn't seen the girl in several months, now. Supposedly, her family was coming to visit in the coming months, but the blonde girl couldn't deny she missed her sibling. She was eight, in a few months she would be nine. Her birthday would be much sooner then Fanilly's, to say the least. Fanilly had only turned sixteen this year. Fanilly hoped that she wouldn't be busying when it came, but... well, if she had duties to fulfill, she could not simply abandon them, even for her little sister. However, if Efienne was in danger... she wouldn't stop for anything to keep her safe. As she gazed at the Nem assassin and her sister, the Captain of the Iron Roses found herself sympathizing. She took a deep breath. In the end... even they were victims, weren't they? So they deserved at least some small comfort. "... I'm sure that you'll be treated with lenience," she said, finally, in an effort to reassure the twin Nem, "Even if you made an attempt on the Princess's life, you also assisted us in destroying the conspiracy against her." She gave them a weak smile. "I'm certain that whatever punishment is leveled against you will be lessened because of that." The Nem sisters were silent for a few moments, and then Kyphi returned to hugging Tilli, whispering words of reassurance in a language that Fanilly didn't recognize. She guessed it was probably the Nem language. To be truthful, didn't know. But she could hope, at least. The short girl took another deep breath. Above, Sir Garret was injured... had she failed him? The memory of the man who had died during their previous mission came rushing back to her. Such a thing could have happened again. It was only luck that it hadn't. But she couldn't let such feelings show. She had to stay strong, for now. They would learn what they could from the remaining conspirator. "Let's go, Iron Roses," Fanilly said, turning towards the others, "We need to get the wounded back, and the prisoner." As they ascended, Fanilly was rather stunned to learn that the second Sult was, indeed, the previously-believed-to-be-male Nero. For a few moments that snapped her entirely out of her concerns, leaving the short blonde in stunned silence. However, there were matters to be attended to. [hr] The trek back to Candaeln was hardly a long one. As Fanilly returned, she dispatched one of the Servants, a courier, to immediately head to the castle and notify the guards of what had happened. The prisoner, in this case, was to remain in the hands of the Iron Roses. For now, at the very least. For their safety as much as the safety of others, the Nem twins were also to remain in custody until more could be done about them. There was quite a bit to be done, but Fanilly's limbs felt heavy. She needed rest, after all this commotion. And a bath. She very much wanted a bath. But, she couldn't do such things yet. Taking off her helmet and placing it aside, Fanilly waited in Candaeln's meeting hall. To speak with those who had been the source of all this commotion, and to explain what had happened.