[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img] — Candaeln —[/center] Things were going rapidly downhill in the kitchen. The situation with Fanillys maids had improved but things were rapidly running out of control with the addition of several people that he hadn't seen before and one that looked strangely familiar. Indrau stood and offered a somewhat stiff smile. "I think that you should ahve things firmly in hand from here. I should go try to meet the others when they return." He picked up his gear from the corner and hastillyput it back on in the order that he had taken off. Sword at his hip and cane in hand he strode out into the main hall to see one of the newcomers involved in a conversation with the captain. He stood a comfortable distance away, leaning easily on his cane.