[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Jocelyn%20Pavonia%20&name=Cursive%20Nice%20N%20New.ttf&size=100&style_color=00A6FF[/img][/center] So the strange man did have a good reason to kill the orc, after all. Strange-- she had heard things about the Far West, about how many would just murder each other for no reason at all. Jocelyn remained quiet after he spoke, mulling over his words as she awaited the drink that he had ordered for her. Thirst was clawing at her as well, and she suspected that some sand granules had gotten into her throat. Maybe a tankard of ale would sate her parched throat. It was only until her drink came that she spoke, and she turned towards the male with a furrowed brow. [color=00aeef][b]"I'm not here without a reason,"[/b][/color] Jocelyn explained as she took a swig of her drink. Even though the liquid was lukewarm, it still calmed her frayed nerves. After another few moments of silence, she leaned towards him, but not casting a wary glance over her shoulder at the rest of the saloon's inhabitants. [color=00aeef][b]"The general of my legion says that there's rumors of an uprising around these parts. I was sent to investigate. But,"[/b][/color] she sighed again, louder this time as she rubbed her temple in frustration. [color=00aeef][b]"I don't even know where to begin. This place is grittier than I thought."[/b][/color] Jocelyn grumbled a curse to herself. She had probably already broken her cover by trying to arrest the guy. As she mentally kicked herself, she glanced over at the strange thing that he had in his possession. [color=00aeef][b]"What is that, anyway?"[/b][/color] she asked, nodding towards the pistol. [@Solace]