Angela hoped that this small gesture, this kind embrace, would do something to help Fareeha's morale. She'd been through so much that it made the Swiss woman feel almost desperate to see that their defense of this land succeeded. Failure after so much fighting and so much sacrifice just wasn't an option. If they survived, they'd be absolutely devastated. Angela knew that kind of feeling could easily lead to suicide. It was just a known fact. History repeated itself, and in every war, the losing nation often found themselves without hope, and hopelessness led to despair. Despair led to death. Angela didn't want to see it happen to these hardy and stalwart people. Unwrapping her arms from around the tall soldier, Angela looked up at her, peering into her deep brown eyes. She found herself captivated, reaching up and running a finger delicately across the tattoo under Fareeha's eye. The Eye of Horus. Ana had a similar one, different in design but with the same meaning. But what did it mean to Fareeha? Surely it was almost like it wasn't even there at this point. Just another mark on the skin, like a freckle or scar. Realizing that perhaps she was getting too close, Angela's cheeks tinted pink and she stepped away. "Sorry," She apologized, walking back over to the cot and sitting down. "I have to ask about the tattoo under your eye. I'm just curious. What is it for? Is it a symbol of heritage or a family tradition, or something else? I know your mother had one, but it was different in design. It's the Eye of Horus, right? Or was it Ra? I never really studied Egyptian culture... all that I know about it is what I learned when your mother talked about it many years ago."