Hye Jin immediately climbed off her horse, led her towards Alessandra and then handed her the reigns. [color=red]"It's a good thing that you are here. You'll be able to tend to the horses. I hear that you are quite the handler,"[/color] she gave Alessandra a smile before she turned and headed towards Adrian. Boldly, the foreign princess entwined her arm around Adrian's. [color=red]"I will send you some herbal tea later, Prince Adrian. It will do wonders for your health,"[/color] she gave him a smile. [color=red]"And might I suggest a visit to my homeland? I believe a change of scenery would do you good,"[/color] she led him to the water's edge. [color=red]"It will be relaxing,"[/color] she assured. Adam, himself, climbed down his horse. But instead of handing Alessandra the reigns just as Hye Jin did, he took the reigns of Hye Jin's horse from her. [color=aquamarine]"Pardon our little princess. I believe she had made it abundantly clear that she does not favor you,"[/color] he smiled at her and he was the old Adam again, the kinder, younger prince. [color=aquamarine]"I apologize for neglecting you these past months. I'm afraid responsibilities to the kingdom has made more occupied than I thought it would make me,"[/color] instead of securing the reigns to a tree, he let go of it. He chuckled. [color=aquamarine]"I'm sure Adrian would have a way of rounding the horses up if they choose to run,"[/color] he shrugged and then offered his arm to Alessandra. [color=aquamarine]"Come. This is a good day as any to catch up. What have you learned from the library so far?"[/color]