Blink took the soul hungrily, feeling the pain melt away as soon as it entered into his system. His agonized sobbing stopped immediately and he hopped off the table, only wincing a little bit. "Where's Maman?" He asked, somehow expecting Des to be there with him. Shouldn't a mother be with her son when he was in pain? Okay, he was really only forcing the whole 'mother' role onto the snake woman because he was lonely and wanted attention from someone, and this seemed like a good way to get it. "Merci beaucoup pour l'aide, Francine." He said, standing up on his toes and pulling on her hair to get her to lower her face down to his level. He kissed her a bit too deeply on her undeformed cheek, mischievously tasting her soft human skin. His arms were slung around her shoulders to support himself, his fingers tracing along the back of her neck. He really was far too close, but this is what he wanted... at least this is what he thought he wanted, and he had no perception of the concept of personal space and boundaries. He just took what he wanted from people, be it their affections or their soul. "I'm going to go find Maman!" Blink quickly buttoned up his shirt and jacket to hide the bandaging and running out of the medic tent. [@Belle]