...Hm. I'm interested, but conflicted. All the character's ages are around the 20's, which makes me feel like I should make an older character(around Kieran's age), but I have an idea for a character who's in the middle of their teenage years. Considering it's a medieval setting, it wouldn't be out of place, but... eh. Here, I'll just show what I [i]want[/i] to play. If it turns out that this concept doesn't work, I'll drop it and make something radically different. [hider=Since everyone is using these, so will I][center][b]Name[/b]: Vyr [b]Age[/b]: 15 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: Vyr's face still shows traces of his immaturity, with his skin being smooth and not a single hair to be found on his chin or upper lip. He has hazel brown eyes, the same as his hair. His hair is tied up into one, long braid down his back, with a dark green bandana keeping a small tuft of hair at the front from covering his eyes. His clothes are a mix of hemp and animal hides. The hemp is used for the lowest layers, the basic shirt and pants, also dyed a similar green to his bandana. Furs from brown squirrels and beavers were stitched together into a sleeveless jacket and a pair of gloves and boots. Vyr's well built but short, standing at 1m53. [b]Personality[/b]: Brash, cocky, hotheaded, naïve and idealistic. Even though his sword skills are sorely lacking due to being self-taught, he has full confidence. He'll pick a fight if he thinks he can take you on, prone to holding a massive grudge if he loses. He has respect for sword users who are better than him, though. He's always eager to learn the way of the sword, and is looking for a wise swordsman to take him under his wing. [b]Goal[/b]: Vyr, still being a kid, is very idealistic in his goal: Become the best swordsman to ever live. He's had less than stellar success in this realm, so instead he'll go and try to become the best in the lands where nothing is impossible! After all, if nothing is impossible, then him becoming the best isn't either. [b]Skills[/b]: - Wildlife survival (1) - Meditating (1) - Swimming (1) [b]Ability[/b]: - [b]Inventory[/b]: - [url=http://www.by-the-sword.com/images/Product/large/29-LP0089.jpg]An iron blade lacking a guard[/url]. It is a one-handed longsword, but Vyr uses both of his hands to fight with it. - A small leather flask, for carrying water in. - A worn, steel knife. - A sharpening stone for the knife and blade. [/center][/hider]