Ystina didn't know the technical terms. She didn't care for all this modern terminology. It was clear to her that the Justice League had been possessed by evil spirits. They must be fought, and warded off. This...Braniac. He must be the warlock responsible. As the last knight of Camelot, and wielder of Excalibur, it was her honor-bound duty to fight this evil, but she knew that alone, she'd be no match for a force that could control Gods from the heavens. The buildings had gotten taller and taller over the years. Riding her Pegasus used to be straightforward, but now she has to dodge and weave between great behemoths of steel and glass. Guns were another thing she despised. At least her armor could withstand them now she had visited a blacksmith. Well, they were called 'engineers' now. From what she understood, her armor contained diamond, which she did not understand the importance of. T'was only a decorative jewel. The armor had also been lined with some kind of enchanted cloth called 'kevlar.' She set Vanguard, her Pegasus, down outside a pet store, and purchased some hay for it, taking it into the alley so it could eat in peace. She sat down opposite it. "What is even more remarkable than how much has changed," she spoke out loud, "is how much has stayed the same." After the horse had finished eating, they rode again, on the lookout for anything that would require them. It was at that point when the signal went out, and Vanguard shifted course, it being able to sense the signal. "Woah, boy!" says Ystina, somewhat alarmed by this development, "What has gotten into you?" The Pegasus set down near an abandoned subway station, and she dismounted. "Are you alright, Vanguard?" She said, stroking the Pegasus. "You wanted to bring me here, didn't you? Well, alright. You go off and hide somewhere. That's a good boy." She patted him and she cantered over to a nearby alley. Ystine descended the subway stairs, curious as to what she'd find.